What Truth Are You Afraid Of? – Carmine Russo churchofgodnetwork.org
This author seeks to challenge the reader with facing hard truths. Truth is truth whether we believe it, like it or ignore it and the same could be said of its source. Hard truth, that which challenges you or maybe makes you feel uncomfortable should not be feared. In fact, that is the very truth we should seek out because to avoid it is to…
What Is God’s Family Model? – Jerold Aust ucg.org
Has the traditional family model changed in our time? How many families exemplify the biblical characteristics of family relationships? What makes a family stable and successful? Many people look to popular entertainment to define the typical family, and that industry drives perceived family values. In the past, that model mirrored some of the values found in the Bible, but now increasingly embraces “alternative” family structures,…
Amazing Grace – John Ritenbaugh cgg.org
God gives us grace so that we might stand before Him. Grace makes salvation possible. To say that grace is simply a “gift” is woefully inadequate. 1) It is the single most important aspect of our spiritual and eternal salvation, and 2) God’s giving of it to us is completely unmerited. Even though grace is the foundation for good works, the good works, by themselves,…
What is Heaven? tomorrowsworld.org
Traditions and fantasy have shaped many opinions about heaven. From the context of the Bible there are three heavens. The first heaven is simply earth’s atmosphere. “let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.” (Gen 1:20). Like the first heaven the second heaven is also observable by mankind. It is what we call outer space. “I will surely multiply your offspring…
God, Science and the Bible – Mario Seiglie, Scott Ashley, Tom Robinson ucg.org
Many wonder about the historical accuracy of the Bible. Some, by faith, believe that God inspired various servants down through time, to accurately record various historical events for mankind’s benefit. Others, however, put their trust in science, believing in physical evidence alone. Very recently though, God and science have been brought together! This past summer, archaeologists have been able to identify the ancient Philistine city…
New Gods, New Sins – Wallace G. Smith tomorrowsworld.org
As many today wish to rid the world of the God of the Bible, they in turn, set up their own gods. With these new gods come new orthodoxies, dogmas, and sins. Truth becomes whatever supports these new gods and compliance is forcibly compelled. Four such gods are highlighted in this article. First, the god of science. With the absence of a true God, humanity…
The Feast of Trumpets: Alarm of War, Announcement of Peace – Mike Bennett lifehopeandtruth.com
The Fall festivals of the yearly biblical holyday cycle begin with the Feast of Trumpets. In Leviticus 23:24 we find the command for this festival, which begins on the first day of the seventh month in the Hebrew calendar. The book of Nehemiah puts special emphasis on this feast as a day where God’s Law was read. It is a holy and joyful day of…
What Is Truth? – Gary Petty ucg.org
Pilate asked of Jesus a rhetorical, sarcastic, and cynical question that feels extremely relevant today: “What is truth?” he posed. With limitless information at our fingertips, we can “know” anything. But society has never been less sure of truth. Somewhere along the way, it became subjective. Now, we seem to have given up on the idea all together. A lot of thinking that has undermined…
Would Jesus want us to remember or celebrate His birthday? thebiblesaysthat.com
Throughout the Bible God is very clear about what he wants us to do and what he doesn’t. Pagan traditions aside, the Bible is very silent on the exact date of Christ’s birth. At the same time enough information is available in the gospels to know that He wasn’t born in December but more than likely around the month of September. What is clear, within…
The Root and Fruit of New Year’s Eve lifehopeandtruth.com
What are you doing on New Year’s Eve? A more intriguing question might be, do you know where the traditions associated with New Year’s Eve originate from? There are many customs and superstitions associated with the celebration that vary around the world. The one thing they all have in common, however, is a pronounced focus on human reasoning. So, from a Christian perspective, it is…
Depression – Brian Orchard vision.org
The numbers continue to indicate depression is an ever-worsening problem. It is happening to more adults, and it is happening earlier in life; and it is of major concern to health-care professionals. Depression is a mood disorder and should not be confused with the ups and downs that are a part of normal life. Emotions clearly play a part in the problem. When emotions become…
Mysterious Festival Days – David Treybig ucg.org
As a young child the author experienced a shift in his family’s religious observances, they stopped keeping Christmas and started keeping the biblical festivals of God. God’s way of life, as delineated in the Bible can be mysterious, contrary to what is taught in mainstream Christianity. Christ, Himself, called the Kingdom of God a mystery in Mark 4:10-12. Mystery is used several times in the…
The Greatest Story Never Told – Jim Franks lifehopeandtruth.com
Christian norms dictate a passive if not negative view of God’s festivals. Days kept by Jesus and the New Testament Christians that followed His example. One consequence to these modern views is the loss of this powerful and true story that these days layout. Complete with setting, plot, hero or main characters, conflict, point of view, overall theme, and conclusion this story contains the answers…
A Right Christmas – Edwin Stepp & Robert Boraker vision.org
The early Christian Church didn’t keep Christmas. Christ wasn’t even born in winter. However, a solar feast commemorating the Persian god Mithra, whom the Romans also worshiped, was historically observed on December 25th around the winter solstice. Gift-giving and unrestrained revelry were also features of the Roman Saturnalia, another solstice festival that anchors modern Christmas traditions. Roman emperor Constantine saw the tension between emerging Christianity…
4 Lessons Jesus Taught About the Sabbath tomorrowsworld.org
Four, hidden in plain sight, lessons that Jesus taught about the Seventh day Sabbath. Jesus, Himself, kept the seventh day Sabbath and taught on it. This leads to the first lesson – We are to keep the Sabbath day holy. (Matt 19:16-19) “if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments” of which commandment four is “remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy”…
The Seventh Day sabbathcog.org
The Sabbath is the memorial that reminds us each week, not only of God’s physical creation, but also of His incredible future spiritual plans for mankind. God blessed the seventh day, sanctified it, and rested on it. It is one of God’s Ten Commandments. Jesus observed the Saturday Sabbath and He is our example. Indeed, Christ said He is Lord of the Sabbath. The Bible…
“Not Everyone Who Says to Me ‘Lord, Lord’ …” – Erik Jones lifehopeandtruth.com
It may surprise many to learn that most of the teachings of Christ are not taught, in most cases, and are ignored by modern Christianity. Summarized by this article Christ taught that in order to be a genuine follower of Him (a Christian), one must believe and practice exactly what He taught. In addition, a church, a religious leader, or an individual can profess the name…
What Is the Mark of the Beast? tomorrowsworld.org
The Mark of the beast as described in the book of Revelation has been a subject of wild speculation. This whiteboard video clearly lays out what it is and what it isn’t. Within the context of scripture, the mark is not something physical. It is not a vaccine, tattoo, barcode, chip, or anything else that can be forced upon someone against their will. This mark on the hand and…
Mankind’s Inheritance – Michael Kelley ucg.org
The Bible teaches that God is in the process of expanding the divine family. God the Father and the Son are reproducing Themselves in the form of perhaps billions of spirit beings, who will be like Them, sharing Their level of existence: “I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters” (2 Corinthians 6:18) This is a radically different…
The Time That Matters – Jeremy Lallier sabbaththoughts.com
Does it matter to God how we spend our time – the decisions we make, the lives we lead, the paths we choose to follow? Analyzing scripture and the time dedicated to specific events would indicate that it does. Found in the Bible, there are very specific moments in time that focus and attention is given while other expanses of time are given little to…