One of the clearest examples of Jesus’ teaching on law and grace is the account of the adulteress brought before Him (John 8:1-11). When pressed to judge her, Jesus responded, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first” (verse 7). The accusers left, and Jesus, the only sinless one, pardoned her, saying, “Go and sin no more” (verse…
Story Category: Passover
Blood on the Doorposts – Jeremy Lallier
The distinction between the Israelites and the Egyptians became strikingly evident during the plagues preceding the tenth. From the flies to the darkness, God made it clear He protected His people while bringing judgment upon Egypt. However, for the tenth plague, a crucial change occurred. Although God assured the safety of the Israelites, they were required to mark their doorposts with the blood of a…
Is Passover on the First Day of Unleavened Bread? – David C. Grabbe
During Jesus Christ’s lifetime, two methods existed to determine the Passover: one by the people in their homes on Abib 14’s evening and the other by Temple priests on Abib 14’s late afternoon. The Gospels portray Jesus and His disciples observing the Passover in a private home at the onset of Abib 14, known as “the Last Supper.” However, some Gospel verses seem to conflict…
The Passover Effect – Brian Orchard
In a world lacking clear leadership and purpose, many people lead aimless lives, unsure of their existence and the path they should follow. Isaiah 3:12 laments the consequences of misguided leadership. Meanwhile, society’s anger and rejection of God contribute to confusion and destructive thinking, as described in 2 Peter 2:1-3. Satan targets believers, seeking to disrupt their intimate relationship with God (1 Peter 1:2). Yet,…
5 Major Differences Between Passover and Easter – Isaac Khalil
The distinction between Passover and Easter goes beyond the surface understanding that Passover is Jewish and Easter is Christian. Let’s explore five significant differences between these two observances: Difference 1: Passover’s biblical origin vs. Easter’s absence in Scripture. Passover originates from Exodus 12, commemorating the Israelites’ deliverance from Egypt through the blood of the lamb. In contrast, Easter lacks biblical grounding, with no legitimate references…
Obedience vs. Grace? – Richard F. Ames
In the quest for salvation, varying beliefs emerge—some emphasizing mere belief or grace, while others suggest a set of regulations for a better afterlife. The truth lies in understanding the dynamic relationship between grace, repentance, and obedience. Is obedience contrary to accepting God’s grace? Post-grace, what does God expect? Misunderstandings persist about repentance and obedience, leading to confusion about their role in salvation. When asked,…
Knowing – Jeremy Lallier
Throughout Christ’s life He had a single motivating drive and purpose. John summed up that purpose toward the end of his gospel when he said “Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God…” (John 13:3) Christ was focused on that pivotal event that would make available an incredible choice…
Christ Our Passover
This article explains why Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread are relevant to modern-day Christians, and gives helpful guidance on how to observe them. God (the Word who would become Christ) instituted the Old Testament Passover when Israel was enslaved in Egypt. The blood of lambs was the symbol by which the Israelites were protected when the angel of death “passed over”. Thus, the…
Amazing Grace – John Ritenbaugh
God gives us grace so that we might stand before Him. Grace makes salvation possible. To say that grace is simply a “gift” is woefully inadequate. 1) It is the single most important aspect of our spiritual and eternal salvation, and 2) God’s giving of it to us is completely unmerited. Even though grace is the foundation for good works, the good works, by themselves,…
Passover to Easter – Peter Nathan
Societal traditions are rarely viewed through a historic lens. To do so would reveal, all too often, a violent blending of traditions and rituals. Easter is one such tradition. At its core, Easter is an ancient pagan fertility celebration that took on Christian terminology. This controversial blend centered around the timing of this celebration- specifically what day to memorialize. Lasting nearly 3 centuries this became…
Passover: What Did Jesus Do for You? – Mike Bennett
When we link the two biblical statements – “the penalty for sin is death” and “all have sinned” – we are faced with a question regarding our personal future. Thankfully, God foresaw this reality and provided a way for us to be forgiven of sin. Christ came to this earth as a human and died in our stead. Christ not only kept the Passover during…
Passover – Earl L. Henn
Each of God’s Holy Days lay out a specific piece of His plan for all mankind to come to know Him and the opportunity to be a part of His family – end goal. The Passover is the first in this nexus between God’s commanded Holy Days and this opportunity for true life. There is an expansive nature to each of God’s Holy Days as…
The Exodus Plagues
This interesting article tells a concise story of ancient Israel’s exodus from slavery in Egypt by God through a deliverer named Moses. Along with establishing His power as the one true God and securing freedom for the Israelites, another purpose was to destroy the nation of Egypt through a series of plagues that directly challenged specific Egyptian gods. Khunm, god of the Nile was powerless…
What Is the Grace of God? – Florante Siopan, John Foster
Grace is not just something given by God but is a part of His very character. God is a gracious God, referenced throughout scripture. This is fortunate because all mankind has sinned, and the wages of sin is death. Death is the byproduct of sin which brings us to Christ’s sacrifice. In order to be gracious or show favor to us, Jesus, living a sinless…
Faith to Face Our Trials – Pat Higgins
Life sometimes seems to be one trial after another. However, God has revealed an astounding facet of our relationship with Him that should give us the faith to soldier on despite our many trials. On the night of His crucifixion, Jesus declared that the Father loves us just as much as He loves Christ. As the perfect Parent, He does not love any one child…
Whiter Than Snow – Jeremy Lallier
King David’s story is a case study in the peaks and valleys of dedicated obedience to God and the brutal realities of sin. Being willing to face his sins was one of his strengths. He acknowledged his disobedience and repented, but he also understood grace, the path to complete forgiveness which leads to a right relationship with God.
Timeline of Easter / Passover
This is one of those subjects that becomes clearer with a visual aid. There is a lot of confusion around Good Friday, Easter, and Jesus being dead 3 days and 3 nights. As one will see in this 7 min video, the only sign given that Jesus is the Christ did happen as described without the verbal gymnastics required to make the pagan traditions work….