The Feast of Pentecost and Its Meaning For All Mankind – Arthur Suckling
Among Jews, the most popular name for Pentecost is the Feast of Weeks, or Shavuot in Hebrew. When celebrating this festival, many Jewish people recall one of the greatest events in history, God’s revealing of the law at Mount Sinai. That said, Pentecost doesn’t just picture the giving of the law; it also shows (through a great miracle that occurred on the first Pentecost, within…
Easter Sunday sunrise services
Easter Sunday service doesn’t commemorate Christ’s resurrection as assumed by millions of Christians. This is laid out in Timeline of Easter / Passover. Does the Bible mention any kind of sunrise service?… ” with their backs toward the temple of the Lord and their faces toward the east… they were worshiping the sun toward the east. And He said to me, “Have you seen this,…
Daily Thanksgiving
Millions of Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day each year. For many the day is little more than a routine holiday party complete with wonderful traditional food items and plenty of football on TV and in backyards across the country. Some people will be spending part of their day pouring over newspaper ads preparing their “plan of attack” for a successful Black Friday Shopping sore the following…
Who Was “Saint Patrick”?
Will the real Saint Patrick please stand up. Most believe St. Patrick, a Catholic monk, brought the doctrine of the Trinity to Ireland. In addition, he is also believed to have driven out all the snakes from the Emerald Isle. Maewyn Succat, aka Patrick most likely took on his name sake due to his Scottish origins. At the age of sixteen he and thousands of…
The Role of a Women – Tom & Mary Clark
The role of women has varied through history and cultures from an object of worship to mere chattel. God’s Word should resolve confusion. God made Eve a helper comparable to Adam. While God made man the leader and gave women different strengths from men, He did not intend women to be weak or inferior. Her role was to strengthen the family. She was asked to…
Was Jesus Created? – Larry Neff
Certain religions teach that Jesus Christ was a created being; that He has not existed eternally with the Father. Some others claim that the human Jesus Christ was only inhabited by the Spirit of God which departed when Christ was crucified. Still others teach that Jesus Christ was the archangel Michael who became Jesus Christ. What does the Bible say about Christ? Does the Bible…
Passover to Easter – Peter Nathan
Societal traditions are rarely viewed through a historic lens. To do so would reveal, all too often, a violent blending of traditions and rituals. Easter is one such tradition. At its core, Easter is an ancient pagan fertility celebration that took on Christian terminology. This controversial blend centered around the timing of this celebration- specifically what day to memorialize. Lasting nearly 3 centuries this became…
Abigail: A Model of Discretion – Karen Meeker
Abigail is one of the truly fascinating women in the Bible. From her example we can learn much about the quality of discretion that women are encouraged to build as part of their inner beauty. Beyond being the soul of discretion and our go-to example of a woman of understanding, Abigail had it all. She was the rare combination of beauty and brains. She was…
Tithing: Second Tithe – Martin Collins
God is the God of joy and abundance. In addition to the weekly Sabbath, God declared we are to keep His seven annual holy days. The Feast of Tabernacles is observed for seven days followed by The Last Great Day on the eighth day. We celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles in temporary dwellings. The financial expenses for the feasts are covered by the second tithe,…
3 Characteristics That Define a Real Man – Eddie Foster
As societal norms denigrate men and masculinity, this piece gives three examples of what it is to be a real man. Looking to what should be our ultimate example, Christ’s life can and should be a model for all men. The apostle Peter said Christ left us an example, “that you should follow it.” (1 Pet 2:21). First characteristic – Christ did not crack under…
Revelation’s "End of the World" Timeline Explained
Have you ever wondered about Revelation’s “End of the World” predictions? Bible scriptures, when woven together, clarify many misconceptions about this confusing book. Its main point is that God will save mankind from self-annihilation. That is good news. Revelation does provide a roadmap, but no dates; God does not intend for us to predict His timeline. It does warn of world-encompassing false religious beliefs inconsistent…
Are Humans Good or Evil? – Richard Ritenbaugh
Are people good or evil? This question has been debated for thousands of years and still is to this day. Was man created with an evil nature or a good nature? There are many theories supporting both sides. The answer to the question is found in the Bible. After God created Adam and Eve on the sixth day Genesis 1:31 says, “Then God saw everything…
Lying vs. Telling the Truth – Dave Myers
Are there ever moral grounds to lie? Do the ends of a lie ever justify the means? The short answer is “No”. Why? Because telling the truth is foundational within our relationships. The apostle Paul says to “Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor”. Lying is destructive to us and others, destabilizing relationships whereas telling the truth creates stability. Again, this is…
Valentine’s Day – Steven Orchard
Valentine’s Day is a ubiquitous global tradition accepted as a celebration of love and endorsed by Christianity and commerce alike. However, the origins of the custom are sordid. St. Valentine apparently existed only in legend. The day was likely named for a popular Gnostic heretic who blended pagan ideas into Catholic doctrine and promoted eroticism as a way to connect with the spirit realm. In…
12 Scriptural Principles of Child Rearing
Raising children is hard. It always has been. In a modern world that is accelerating and awash in uncertainty, there seems to be no reliable standards. Old wisdom can provide helpful anchors. The Bible is replete with timeless advice on how to parent. This link provides a brief list of principles drawn from scripture to provide a base of stability in child-rearing. Begin early. Parent…
Thinking Well, Part I – Carmine Russo
Most are not taught to freely reason but instead are conditioned. “We are enslaved to the bias, prejudice, anger, envy, and jealousy that have become a large part of our nature.” We, therefore, must work to recognize this habituated mindset. To do this, four “Categories of Awareness” are highlighted: time awareness, task awareness, result awareness and self-awareness. Time awareness refers to our ability to manage…
What Does Pentecost Mean? – David Treybig
Pentecost is one of God’s annual Holy Days which commemorates the beginning of the New Testament Church of God. The most famous Pentecost occurred in A.D. 31 when God gave His Holy Spirit, in the form of tongues of fire, to Christ’s faithful followers. That day, an additional 3,000 people were added to the church. Pentecost is observed by Catholics, Protestants, and Jews, yet each…
Cupid’s Disheartening Past – Alice Abler
Cupid, that winged Valentine’s Day mascot with a sordid past. “From a lusty shepherd-king who died annually, causing weeping of women throughout the known world, to the incestuous sun god who is the bringer of life, his tale spans eons and outlive entire civilizations with variations in names and lore. This intertwined history of Cupid and his mother, the traditional mother/son/spouse deities of sexual love…
God’s 7,000-Year Plan – Wyatt Ciesielka
There is ample proof that the universe is billions of years old, however, this does not preclude God’s 7,000 year plan for humanity. These widely varying ideas about the history of the universe can be rectified by the Gap Theory. By reading Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1-3, we know that the Word (Jesus Christ) was with God from the beginning. Through the Word, God created…