What happens to bad people when they die? Or to those who aren’t Christians? Do they suffer forever in a fiery hell? Many assume so, but does eternal torment fit a loving God? Would He punish someone forever for a brief lifetime of mistakes? That concept portrays God as cruel, contradicting His nature of love (1 John 4:8). Surprisingly, the Bible doesn’t teach an ever-burning…
Story Category: Miscellaneous Topics
Valentine’s Day and Real Love cgg.org
God’s people reject Valentine’s Day due to its pagan origins and lack of biblical support. Who Was Saint Valentine? Two Saint Valentines lived in the third century AD: a Roman priest and the Bishop of Terni. Both were martyred on February 14 and buried along the Via Flaminia. No historical evidence links them to romance; later legends claim Valentine secretly married couples, but these arose…
Jesus Birth youtu.be
Each December, millions celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25th. But was He really born on that date? The Bible points to a very different time of year. If we look back to the story of John the Baptist’s father, Zacharias, we see that he was a priest serving in the temple during the course of Abijah, the eighth priestly division. According to 1…
Is Thanksgiving Rooted in a Biblical Festival? – Mario Seiglie ucg.org
Did you know the first Thanksgiving in the U.S. shares striking similarities with the biblical Feast of Tabernacles? While the Pilgrims didn’t intentionally observe this biblical festival, both celebrations share a spirit of gratitude to God for His blessings. Both take place in autumn and center on thanking God for a fruitful harvest. The Pilgrims, deeply rooted in biblical teachings, were profoundly influenced by the…
Lucifer youtube.com
Before he was Satan, meaning “adversary,” Lucifer was a high-ranking angel, known as the “shining one.” As an anointed cherub, he served near God’s throne, perfect in wisdom and beauty (Ezekiel 28). But pride corrupted him. He sought to exalt himself above God, leading a rebellion and convincing a third of the angels to join him (Isaiah 14). Cast down from heaven (Revelation 12), he…
The Trinity: What Is It? – Larry Neff lifehopeandtruth.com
The doctrine of the Trinity, a core belief of the Roman Catholic Church and most Protestant denominations, is considered essential to the Christian faith by many. However, its origins and scriptural support raise important questions. The Trinity is not found in the Bible but was a concept developed over centuries. Around A.D. 180, Theophilus of Antioch first mentioned the term, though his description of “God,…
5 Major Differences Between Passover and Easter – Isaac Khalil lifehopeandtruth.com
The distinction between Passover and Easter goes beyond the surface understanding that Passover is Jewish and Easter is Christian. Let’s explore five significant differences between these two observances: Difference 1: Passover’s biblical origin vs. Easter’s absence in Scripture. Passover originates from Exodus 12, commemorating the Israelites’ deliverance from Egypt through the blood of the lamb. In contrast, Easter lacks biblical grounding, with no legitimate references…
Doesn’t "Lazarus and the Rich Man" prove that sinners will be tormented forever & ever? thebiblesaysthat.com
Many believe the parable of Lazarus and the rich man illustrates heaven and hell. However, it actually emphasizes the promise given to Abraham’s descendants. Abraham, though not having received the promise yet, will inherit it at the resurrection of the just. Lazarus represents Christians who share in this promise through faith. The rich man, depicted as emerging from Hades, faces the future destruction of the…
Is St. Patrick’s Day a Pagan Holiday? – Monica Ebersole and Erik Jones lifehopeandtruth.com
On March 17, millions will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with parades, green attire, shamrocks, and festivities. Originating in Ireland, it’s now popular worldwide, particularly in the U.S. Yet, beneath the fun lies syncretism—merging pagan rituals with Christianity. St. Patrick, though venerated as a Catholic saint, used syncretism to blend native Irish customs into his teachings. These included symbolic nods to sun worship and Celtic superstitions….
Who Is The Devil? – Richard F. Ames thebiblesaysthat.com
Recognizing and overcoming the power of evil around you is crucial in a world fascinated by the occult. Millions, especially the youth, are drawn to occult-themed entertainment like the Twilight novels and movies. However, understanding who and what the devil is becomes essential for navigating his malevolent influence. The Bible identifies the devil as “the great dragon” and “that serpent of old,” emphasizing his role…
Have the Ancient Gods Returned? – Darris McNeely ucg.org
Recent events, such as pagan occultism on display at major ceremonies and the alarming societal changes highlighted by social observers like Naomi Wolf, reflect the absence of God. Notably, events like the Grammy Awards and the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony showcase overt displays of satanic imagery, signaling a disturbing trend. Jonathan Cahn’s book, “The Return of the Gods,” suggests that ancient deities like Baal and…
Seven Things Satan Wants for Your Life ucg.org
In the Bible, God outlines various desires for humanity, including repentance, obedience, love for Him and neighbors, trust, and commitment. Conversely, Satan aims to destroy mankind by leading individuals away from God. Recognizing Satan’s tactics is crucial, as he exploits our weaknesses, often targeting the mind. Seven common harmful mindsets and habits influenced by Satan include doubting God’s existence, living in fear, prioritizing the temporary…
Dante Alighieri and The Divine Comedy – Daniel Tompsett, Donald Winchester vision.org
Dante’s Divine Comedy has significantly shaped the Christian belief in the immortal soul. This epic poem, authored by Dante Alighieri in the 14th century, remains a pinnacle of Western literature, blending theology, history, and allegory. The poem’s setting is Easter in 1300, though it was written over the next two decades. Dante’s exile and his disputes with the Church, particularly Pope Boniface VIII, lent the…
Dropping The Ball On New Year Celebrations – Gayle Hoefker ucg.org
For much of the world January 1st is the accepted and celebrated start of a new year. At the stroke of midnight, a new day and new year is brought in with cheers, singing, drinking and fireworks. What could be the harm? Through its pagan roots, its traditions closely tie it to that of Christmas. The problem with these celebrations is that they act as counterfeits…
Christmas: Does It Matter? – Brian Orchard vision.org
Most never question the traditions they keep. For many, their personal enjoyment of a holiday is all the convincing needed in whether they partake in a day or not. Is that enough? For example, are the neatly wrapped and packaged traditions of Christmas, that are enjoyed and loved by so many, enough to embrace a day that’s pagan customs are at odds with the person…
Are You Going to Heaven? Who Really Knows? thebiblesaysthat.com
So what of heaven? is that where we go when we die? Most of what is taught is mere speculation – The opinions of those without any actual knowledge. There is one that can speak from experience so what does He say? No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven…
The Origins of Halloween youtube.com
Have you ever questioned why Halloween? Why is it so popular, why the traditions, where did it come from? As for the origins and traditions it would be hard to miss the pagan influence. Its Celtic origins go back 2000+ years. These ancient peoples held a summers ‘ end pagan festival (Samhain) to highlight the new year. This was a time of year to take…
“Cults” and Real Christianity! – Dexter B. Wakefield thebiblesaysthat.com
To be labeled “cultish” today carries a similar stigma as being labeled a “heretic” in the third and fourth century…minus the horrific torture and death. These terrifying labels purposefully sway many from questioning mainstream orthodoxy. Rightly so especially for those living under the fear of torture and death. In today’s world, to be thought of as “part of a cult” or “cultish” carries an extreme…
The Queen of May – Adam J. West tomorrowsworld.org
It’s quite interesting and telling to consider how many modern “Christian” holidays and traditions have their origins rooted deep in paganism. May 1, shares in this heritage. Many Roman Catholics in particular celebrate Mary, Jesus’ mother, as Queen of Heaven or Queen of May on this day. A title also held by the pagan goddess of fertility known as Diana by the Ephesians or from…
What Is Mardi Gras? Should Christians Celebrate Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday)? ucg.org
Mardi Gras, also known as Shove Tuesday, is a name of near instant recognition. It is associated with excess in everything from eating and drinking to scant clothing and illicit behavior. Built within the celebration is the idea of sinning heartily before deciding to do anything about it. That’s why Mardi Gras is followed by Ash Wednesday, which is the first day of Lent. Lent,…