This message compares a historic world event that was hijacked and relabeled to a set of guidelines in the ‘manual’ that show that Christmas is not Christian and contravenes all 10 Commandments. Perhaps the most obvious infractions that this presenter outlines are in Commandment #2 “do not worship idols”; worship defined as honoring with religious rites and #9 “do not lie”. Some people know it’s…
Story Category: Miscellaneous Topics
Is God a Trinity? – Peter Nathan, Jeannette B. Anderson
The doctrine of the Trinity – where did this “extrabiblical dogma” come from? For those that ask “why,” the doctrine of the Trinity is difficult to unravel. As we look back, around a century after the time of Emperor Constantine and the council of Nicaea (325 C.E.), there was still little consensus of God’s nature by “Church leaders” and brief mention of the Holy Spirit….
Paganism: Who Cares? – Brian Orchard
The pagan origins of popular holidays is common knowledge, but who cares? Perhaps the important question is, instead, does God care? God gave the nation He formed, Israel, very specific instructions to avoid paganism. Yet they repeatedly adopted pagan practices including worship of multiple gods, nature, and goddesses. Paganism interrupts the singularity of focus on the true God. It breaks the core of the covenant…
I really liked the short, to the point approach this article took regarding the biblical stance on Christmas. It begins with the pagan origins of Christmas that are documented and well-established. Most mainstream Christians don’t even argue that fact. With the origins well established we move to the second point. Within Jeremiah it’s stated that we are not to worship God the way gentiles worship…
Lazarus & Rich Man – Scriptural Proof of Hell?
First, the Bible is clear that there is no consciousness after death and no immortal soul. There are, however, resurrections in sequence for both the righteous and the unrighteous. Both Lazarus and the rich man died. One was to be resurrected to life, the other to permanent destruction. Christ is using an allegory with terms familiar to His audience. It is in the context of…
Has God’s Law Been Done Away? – Ken Murray
A fundamental question looms over much of Christianity today: Has the law been done away? What does Christ have to say about this – as He should be the foremost authority on the matter. There is a scripture in Luke that is often cited to say the law is no longer needed to be kept. The Bible explains itself, never contradicts, and states with full…
Is the Holy Spirit a Person?
The teaching of the Trinity (i.e. that the Holy Spirit is a divine person) is not in the Bible. That idea arrived after the Bible was complete and stems from pagan origins. Rather than describing the Holy Spirit as a distinct person or entity, the Bible refers to it as God’s divine power. Jewish and Catholic scholars agree that the Bible speaks of the Holy…
Timeline of Easter / Passover
This is one of those subjects that becomes clearer with a visual aid. There is a lot of confusion around Good Friday, Easter, and Jesus being dead 3 days and 3 nights. As one will see in this 7 min video, the only sign given that Jesus is the Christ did happen as described without the verbal gymnastics required to make the pagan traditions work….
What Is God Really Like? – John Ogwyn
So many religions, so many conflicting views about God. And what about the Trinity? If there are so many differing versions of God, how can you know which one is true? There is a definitive authoritative work that reveals the truth, the very book inspired by God himself wherein He reveals himself, reveals the Son and the truth about the Holy Spirit. The Bible is…
Prove Evolution Is False Without the Bible – Mario Seiglie
At school the theory of evolution is taught in science class. To doubt or question it can often result in being the object of ridicule. But is it okay to just accept a theory of science because it is the “typical” explanation for the origin of life in this day and age? Is the theory of evolution infallible? How can you effectively question that theory…