Is the Holy Spirit a Person?
The teaching of the Trinity (i.e. that the Holy Spirit is a divine person) is not in the Bible. That idea arrived after the Bible was complete and stems from pagan origins. Rather than describing the Holy Spirit as a distinct person or entity, the Bible refers to it as God’s divine power. Jewish and Catholic scholars agree that the Bible speaks of the Holy Spirit as the power or energy of God; as something, not someone. The Holy Spirit never appears in visions of the throne, where God and Christ are. The Bible treats God the Father and Christ His son differently than the Holy Spirit; while the Holy Spirit is a power or energy, God and Christ comprise a ruling family called Elohim or “The Mighty Ones.” They are working to expand that family by extending their power to us! It is through God’s Spirit that we gain the necessary insight and understanding to grow and change. God’s family is not a triune, closed-loop entity. We have access to the very power of God by which to be transformed into the very likeness of Christ.
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