What Is God Really Like? – John Ogwyn tomorrowsworld.org
So many religions, so many conflicting views about God. And what about the Trinity? If there are so many differing versions of God, how can you know which one is true? There is a definitive authoritative work that reveals the truth, the very book inspired by God himself wherein He reveals himself, reveals the Son and the truth about the Holy Spirit. The Bible is…
Proof of God – Rick Avent lifehopeandtruth.com
In uncertain times we want answers. We want to know what is true and how to build a solid foundation. God provides that foundation, but how do we even know that He exists? What proof is there that God is who He says He is? There is a logical path to believing in the existence of God. Don’t be afraid to explore that path and…
The Purpose of the Sabbath sabbath.org
The Bible asks its adherents to keep the 7th day of the week (Saturday) “holy” as a time of rest and reflection on the word of God. God created the Sabbath for the benefit of human-kind from the beginning. Only He has the authority to designate what time is holy, and the Bible is clear and consistent on this instruction. Why? Because the Sabbath day…
What is Repentance? – Darris McNeely ucg.org
What is true repentance? Is it feeling badly about what you’ve done wrong? Is it just a matter of saying you’re sorry? What does God really say about repentance? Yes, it is an acknowledgement of wrong doing, but it takes the next step which is a commitment to not repeat the mistake, to not repeat the offense. With a committed turn to right living, a…
The Bible and Archaeology ucg.org
Can you trust the Bible as authoritative? It has long been considered so, but in recent centuries its accuracy was challenged. Biblical archaeology compares the findings of archaeology to the writings of the Bible. Many scholars deemed the Bible of little historical or religious merit and science in general has grown biased against it. Yet even famous scholars of the early 20th century, after careful…
This Body of Death – Ted E. Bowling cgg.org
Within our calling is a lifelong examination and discovery of the sin that permeates our very being. What’s revealed to us is a sinful nature that’s likened to that of a dead and rotting body as possibly alluded to by the apostle Paul.
What Are the Meanings of God’s Festivals? – David Treybig lifehopeandtruth.com
The world is becoming an increasingly dark place. Many struggle to find purpose and joy given a seemingly dismal future, however there is much encouragement to be gained from learning of God’s plan. His holy days perfectly map out the plan of salvation that God has been executing since the beginning of time. He has a plan for this world and He has a plan…
Prove Evolution Is False Without the Bible – Mario Seiglie ucg.org
At school the theory of evolution is taught in science class. To doubt or question it can often result in being the object of ridicule. But is it okay to just accept a theory of science because it is the “typical” explanation for the origin of life in this day and age? Is the theory of evolution infallible? How can you effectively question that theory…