Mystery of the Mind – Wallace G. Smith
The human mind is fascinating on every level of analysis that it can conceive of to examine itself. It seems that the more it is studied, the more proportional the mystery that unfolds. One thing that is not debatable, however, is that the human mind is far more advanced than any other in the animal kingdom. But why is that? Humans have a brain just…
Day of Atonement & the Jubilee Year – Nathan Albright
God’s character is revealed by His law. So it is worth noting the practical effects of His Sabbath laws, particularly as it relates to the relationship between the Jubilee and the Day of Atonement. The seventh day weekly Sabbath pictures restoration and freedom. Among its many benefits, the Sabbath limits exploitation of the poor by employers. The seventh year land Sabbath, when all debts were…
God’s Days of Worship
God has given us seven annual festivals, or feasts, on which to worship and honor Him. By observing them according to His instruction, we can understand His ultimate plan for humanity. It starts with the first commanded day of worship, the Sabbath, a day set aside to commune with Him. The plan of salvation continues to unfold through seven annual festivals endowed with profound purpose. Passover…
Evidence of God’s Design – Bill Jahns
Many wonder when they look up in the heavens at night or simply at all the life forms here on earth, “Is there really a God who designed and created all these things?” Well, there is a great deal of evidence that points to a creator God. We marvel at some of the design and subsequent construction of complicated mechanical devices that are credited to…
Passover: What Did Jesus Do for You? – Mike Bennett
When we link the two biblical statements – “the penalty for sin is death” and “all have sinned” – we are faced with a question regarding our personal future. Thankfully, God foresaw this reality and provided a way for us to be forgiven of sin. Christ came to this earth as a human and died in our stead. Christ not only kept the Passover during…
Passover – Earl L. Henn
Each of God’s Holy Days lay out a specific piece of His plan for all mankind to come to know Him and the opportunity to be a part of His family – end goal. The Passover is the first in this nexus between God’s commanded Holy Days and this opportunity for true life. There is an expansive nature to each of God’s Holy Days as…
Tithing – Martin Collins
In this Bible study, 7 reasons are outlined that show that tithing is important for personal spiritual growth. The biblical system of tithing has been a point of controversy among Christians for years. Its opponents claim it is part of the Old Covenant, and thus it was instituted solely for the support of the Levitical priesthood. They often acknowledge that the principle of giving to…
When Demons Are Real! – Steve Myers
Many believe that Jesus is truly the Son of God as revealed in the bible. But the bible also reveals that Satan and his demons are real too. They are the enemy of Christ and of all humanity. Their goal is to undermine and destroy the faith of the godly who seek to follow and apply God’s truth in their lives and to further darken…
The Exodus Plagues
This interesting article tells a concise story of ancient Israel’s exodus from slavery in Egypt by God through a deliverer named Moses. Along with establishing His power as the one true God and securing freedom for the Israelites, another purpose was to destroy the nation of Egypt through a series of plagues that directly challenged specific Egyptian gods. Khunm, god of the Nile was powerless…
Husbands – A New Creation
To understand our potential is perhaps the greatest knowledge we can be given. The God Family is recreating itself in us, and everything They do is for a reason. God ordained the institution of marriage. He also created specifically a man and a woman to become one flesh. The marriage union teaches us about the God family union. God desires that we learn and embody…
Angels – Chris Moen
Angels are ministering spirits carrying out God’s work. They praise God, they execute His righteous judgment, and they protect those that are His. Although they can be found in different forms, most often angels have appeared as men when making themselves known on earth. Angels are intelligent and have free moral agency which is why Lucifer was able to deceive one third of God’s vast…
Hope in Times of Depression – Marissa Baker
In times of great stress and anxiety the Bible is an excellent source for hope. This hope is not a superficial, “I hope everything turns out the way I want.” The words of the Bible give us hope in something greater than ourselves. Knowing God is working out a greater purpose in us is strength in itself. We then take this knowledge to face stress…
Is Jesus God? – Herbert W Armstrong
Central to God’s plan of salvation for mankind is the role of Jesus Christ. In scripture He is identified as, “the Savior of the world.” Any hope that man has of salvation must be through Christ. Following the day of Pentecost when the New Testament Church was formed, the Apostle Peter declared, “Nor is there salvation in any other for there is no name under…
Unleavened Bread
There is a festival observance that modern Christians might think odd. Just following the Passover, for seven days, is the Feast of Unleavened Bread; days in which, after removing leavening from your home, you limit your consumption of bread to only unleavened bread (bread made without any leavening agent). Does this Old Testament observance have any relevance for modern Christianity? The apostle Paul indicates that…
Sabbath Rest
Some say that the Sabbath is just a Jewish day, or even further minimized, no longer commanded as it was nailed to the cross. Is this truly the case? The Sabbath is a part of God’s spiritual creation, not just a random day of the week. The Sabbath day is holy because it was God Himself who set the day apart from all the rest….
How To Search For Truth – HWA
Through this article we are asked a simple question, how do we search for “truth”? So many accept their beliefs or opinions as truth. Why is this? One reason presented is habit. We are born without knowledge. We grow up accepting what we are taught starting with our parents, and this continues all the way through our formal education. Learning to accept what we read…
Acts 10: Did Peter’s Vision Abolish Unclean Meats? – Ralph Levy
God’s law on the avoidance of unclean meats is a common theme throughout the bible, and in Leviticus 11:1-47 and Deuteronomy 14:3-20 he clearly establishes the criteria for clean and unclean meats. However, Acts 10:9-16 tends to cause much confusion on this topic. In these verses, Peter receives a vision from God discussing symbolic clean and unclean animals. One might view this vision as the…
Wives – A Help Meet
To address the role of a woman can be a tricky subject, dare we say even a prickly one, but you might be surprised to learn about the specific role of women as defined and designed by God. Christ was equal to God and He took a subordinate role. Women were created equal to men in capacity and potential, but they were put into the…
Changing the Sabbath to Sunday
The shifting of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday is quite an interesting tale to hear, especially from those that instituted the change. It’s almost a chicken or the egg scenario. Most Seventh day Sabbath keepers say Sunday worship is wrong because it was instituted by men (within the Catholic Church). The Catholic Church, on the other hand, say we changed the Sabbath, without scriptural…