Husbands – A New Creation
To understand our potential is perhaps the greatest knowledge we can be given. The God Family is recreating itself in us, and everything They do is for a reason. God ordained the institution of marriage. He also created specifically a man and a woman to become one flesh. The marriage union teaches us about the God family union. God desires that we learn and embody…
Angels – Chris Moen
Angels are ministering spirits carrying out God’s work. They praise God, they execute His righteous judgment, and they protect those that are His. Although they can be found in different forms, most often angels have appeared as men when making themselves known on earth. Angels are intelligent and have free moral agency which is why Lucifer was able to deceive one third of God’s vast…
Hope in Times of Depression – Marissa Baker
In times of great stress and anxiety the Bible is an excellent source for hope. This hope is not a superficial, “I hope everything turns out the way I want.” The words of the Bible give us hope in something greater than ourselves. Knowing God is working out a greater purpose in us is strength in itself. We then take this knowledge to face stress…
Is Jesus God? – Herbert W Armstrong
Central to God’s plan of salvation for mankind is the role of Jesus Christ. In scripture He is identified as, “the Savior of the world.” Any hope that man has of salvation must be through Christ. Following the day of Pentecost when the New Testament Church was formed, the Apostle Peter declared, “Nor is there salvation in any other for there is no name under…
Unleavened Bread
There is a festival observance that modern Christians might think odd. Just following the Passover, for seven days, is the Feast of Unleavened Bread; days in which, after removing leavening from your home, you limit your consumption of bread to only unleavened bread (bread made without any leavening agent). Does this Old Testament observance have any relevance for modern Christianity? The apostle Paul indicates that…
Sabbath Rest
Some say that the Sabbath is just a Jewish day, or even further minimized, no longer commanded as it was nailed to the cross. Is this truly the case? The Sabbath is a part of God’s spiritual creation, not just a random day of the week. The Sabbath day is holy because it was God Himself who set the day apart from all the rest….
How To Search For Truth – HWA
Through this article we are asked a simple question, how do we search for “truth”? So many accept their beliefs or opinions as truth. Why is this? One reason presented is habit. We are born without knowledge. We grow up accepting what we are taught starting with our parents, and this continues all the way through our formal education. Learning to accept what we read…
Acts 10: Did Peter’s Vision Abolish Unclean Meats? – Ralph Levy
God’s law on the avoidance of unclean meats is a common theme throughout the bible, and in Leviticus 11:1-47 and Deuteronomy 14:3-20 he clearly establishes the criteria for clean and unclean meats. However, Acts 10:9-16 tends to cause much confusion on this topic. In these verses, Peter receives a vision from God discussing symbolic clean and unclean animals. One might view this vision as the…
Wives – A Help Meet
To address the role of a woman can be a tricky subject, dare we say even a prickly one, but you might be surprised to learn about the specific role of women as defined and designed by God. Christ was equal to God and He took a subordinate role. Women were created equal to men in capacity and potential, but they were put into the…
Changing the Sabbath to Sunday
The shifting of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday is quite an interesting tale to hear, especially from those that instituted the change. It’s almost a chicken or the egg scenario. Most Seventh day Sabbath keepers say Sunday worship is wrong because it was instituted by men (within the Catholic Church). The Catholic Church, on the other hand, say we changed the Sabbath, without scriptural…
Should You Recite the "Sinner’s Prayer"? – Gerald E. Weston
The “sinner’s prayer”—a short confession of belief in the Lord Jesus and admission of sin—is often referenced and encouraged by media evangelists. Can a short confession of sin serve as an easy solution to expunging wrong behavior? Without a solid definition of sin, such a confession has little meaning. The bible definition of sin in 1 John 3:4 is straightforward, sin is the transgression of…
How to Be Forgiven of Sin…
This video begins by showing sin is the source of this world’s unhappiness. The burdens (anxiety, regret, guilt, pain, and suffering) that we each carry due to sin, can become overwhelming but there is a solution. To remove this load requires us to come to terms with the cause…our sin. Like a mirror, God’s law reveals to us our sins. We must look into that mirror. Only after this humble…
Keeping Christmas Breaks All Ten Commandments! – Randy D’Alessandro
This message compares a historic world event that was hijacked and relabeled to a set of guidelines in the ‘manual’ that show that Christmas is not Christian and contravenes all 10 Commandments. Perhaps the most obvious infractions that this presenter outlines are in Commandment #2 “do not worship idols”; worship defined as honoring with religious rites and #9 “do not lie”. Some people know it’s…
The Holy Spirit – Martin G. Collins
This deep dive, Bible Study approach covers in detail the nature of the Holy Spirit. Eight points make clear that the Holy Spirit is the power of God and not a personage. The Spirit is given to those that are called by God and respond to that calling. Baptism and repentance are essential in receiving the Holy Spirit. It works with our minds that we…
Clean and Unclean Meat – Charles Haughee
This link offers a series of articles on the Biblical food laws. The meats God defines as clean and unclean are differentiated in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. Most nominal Christians consider the food laws regressive legalism and mistakenly conflate Orthodox Jewish Kosher rules with what the Bible actually says. The scriptures they cite to dismiss the Old Testament instruction are taken out of context….
Is God a Trinity? – Peter Nathan, Jeannette B. Anderson
The doctrine of the Trinity – where did this “extrabiblical dogma” come from? For those that ask “why,” the doctrine of the Trinity is difficult to unravel. As we look back, around a century after the time of Emperor Constantine and the council of Nicaea (325 C.E.), there was still little consensus of God’s nature by “Church leaders” and brief mention of the Holy Spirit….
We Shall Be God – John Ritenbaugh
The first half of this Bible Study (offered in both audio and transcript format) concerns what happens after death; namely, that there is no immortal soul – we die once and are resurrected once. The second half concerns what happens after that; namely, eternal existence as a full-fledged God-being. This notion is considered blasphemous by some because it ultimately puts us on the same footing…
What Is the Grace of God? – Florante Siopan, John Foster
Grace is not just something given by God but is a part of His very character. God is a gracious God, referenced throughout scripture. This is fortunate because all mankind has sinned, and the wages of sin is death. Death is the byproduct of sin which brings us to Christ’s sacrifice. In order to be gracious or show favor to us, Jesus, living a sinless…
Paganism: Who Cares? – Brian Orchard
The pagan origins of popular holidays is common knowledge, but who cares? Perhaps the important question is, instead, does God care? God gave the nation He formed, Israel, very specific instructions to avoid paganism. Yet they repeatedly adopted pagan practices including worship of multiple gods, nature, and goddesses. Paganism interrupts the singularity of focus on the true God. It breaks the core of the covenant…