The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ – Kendrick Diaz
Peter, James, and John saw a vision of Jesus transformed in glory, speaking with Moses and Elijah. A voice declared, “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!” This fulfilled Jesus’ promise that some disciples would see Him “coming in His kingdom” before they died (Matthew 16:28).
The transfiguration previewed Christ’s return in glory. The disciples, though recognizing Jesus as the Messiah, still misunderstood His mission. Many in first-century Judea expected a political savior, not one who would die and later return to establish the Kingdom.
On the mountain, Jesus’ appearance changed—His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became dazzling white. Moses and Elijah appeared, representing resurrected saints in God’s Kingdom. The disciples witnessed a vision (Matthew 17:9), not an actual event in heaven.
This foreshadows believers’ future transformation. Scripture teaches that saints will be glorified like Christ (Romans 8:18, 1 John 3:2). The transfiguration offers hope—just as Jesus was revealed in glory, so will His followers be at His return.
#Transfiguration #JesusGlorified #KingdomOfGod #BiblicalProphecy #truthsum
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