The Two Sabbaths
Throughout the Bible, there are some scriptures that seem to conflict. One, in particular, involves the women buying and preparing spices for Jesus’ burial. In Mark 16:1, it says they bought the spices after the Sabbath. But in Luke 23:56, it says they prepared the spices before the Sabbath and then rested. So, what happened here? Did Luke or Mark misremember? Was it a mistake…
The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ – Kendrick Diaz
Peter, James, and John saw a vision of Jesus transformed in glory, speaking with Moses and Elijah. A voice declared, “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!” This fulfilled Jesus’ promise that some disciples would see Him “coming in His kingdom” before they died (Matthew 16:28). The transfiguration previewed Christ’s return in glory. The disciples, though recognizing Jesus as the Messiah, still misunderstood His mission….
Simon Magus
Simon Magus, a 1st-century Samaritan sorcerer from Gitta, gained a following in Samaria and later in Rome by blending Christianity with pagan mysticism. According to Acts 8:9–26, he astonished people with his sorcery and claimed divine power, later attempting to buy the ability to confer the Holy Spirit—earning a stern rebuke from Peter. Historical sources suggest he studied in Alexandria, absorbing Zoroastrian, Hellenistic, and Babylonian…
Valentine’s Day and Real Love
God’s people reject Valentine’s Day due to its pagan origins and lack of biblical support. Who Was Saint Valentine? Two Saint Valentines lived in the third century AD: a Roman priest and the Bishop of Terni. Both were martyred on February 14 and buried along the Via Flaminia. No historical evidence links them to romance; later legends claim Valentine secretly married couples, but these arose…
When the Answer Is en Route – Jeremy Lallier
God, unbound by time and space, sometimes chooses to work within them. We pray knowing He can answer immediately—calming storms, stopping the sun, or saving lives in an instant. But often, His answer is “not yet,” unfolding at the perfect time. Daniel experienced this when he prayed for understanding. An angel was sent immediately, yet delayed 21 days in a spiritual battle (Daniel 10:12-14). Why…
Law and Grace: Jesus vs. Paul? – Cecil Maranville
One of the clearest examples of Jesus’ teaching on law and grace is the account of the adulteress brought before Him (John 8:1-11). When pressed to judge her, Jesus responded, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first” (verse 7). The accusers left, and Jesus, the only sinless one, pardoned her, saying, “Go and sin no more” (verse…
A Silent Tragedy in How We Are Raising Our Children – Dr. Luis Rojas Marcos Psychiatrist
The Silent Tragedy Unfolding in Our Homes Our children are facing an emotional crisis. Alarming statistics reveal: 1 in 5 children have mental health issues. ADHD diagnoses have risen 43%. Adolescent depression is up 37%. Suicide rates in children aged 10-14 have increased by 200%. What’s going wrong? Today’s children are overstimulated and overindulged with material goods, but lack essential elements of a healthy childhood:…
Jesus Birth
Each December, millions celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25th. But was He really born on that date? The Bible points to a very different time of year. If we look back to the story of John the Baptist’s father, Zacharias, we see that he was a priest serving in the temple during the course of Abijah, the eighth priestly division. According to 1…
Biblical Feast Days
The article “Biblical Feast Days 2025 (Hebrew Calendar)” from The Clear Truth provides an overview of the seven biblical feasts observed by disciples of Jesus Christ, following the example and teachings of Jesus and His apostles. These feasts, outlined in Leviticus 23, are determined by the Hebrew Calendar, which begins its religious year on March 30, 2025. The article emphasizes that these festivals hold significant…
Road to Damascus: A Bible Contradiction? – Roger West
The book of Acts provides detailed accounts of the early New Testament Church, including the dramatic story of Paul’s transformation from persecutor to apostle. Known as Saul in Hebrew, Paul was a relentless antagonist of the Church, intent on imprisoning believers. His authority from the Sanhedrin extended to Damascus, 140 miles from Jerusalem, where he pursued Christians with zeal, causing widespread fear. On the road…
Godly Church Governance – Brian Orchard
Church governance has often been shaped by human interpretations, with many systems reflecting autocratic, top-down authority. Historically, the Church adopted this style of leadership, which led to a “lordship” model of governance. This approach, while logical from a human perspective, contrasts with God’s governance, which is modeled on His family structure: authority flows from the Father to the Son, and then to human leaders. A…
In Democracy We Trust? – Wallace G. Smith
2024, labeled by some as the “Year of Democracy,” will see more voters globally than ever before. As nearly 64 countries hold elections, democracy’s future is being fiercely debated. Yet, despite its growth, we face significant concerns about its stability. As political leaders like Kamala Harris and Donald Trump warn of democracy’s decline, a crucial question remains: Is democracy worth saving? Historically, democracies have struggled….
What if just one of the Ten Commandments became a universal standard? Let’s explore the second commandment—rejecting idolatry. Idolatry isn’t just about statues and images; it’s about what controls us. We all submit to something—whether it’s money, power, comfort, or technology. As Paul says in Romans 6:16: “You are slaves of the one you obey—whether sin, which leads to death, or obedience, which leads to…
There is an interesting connection between Jesus and Abraham in Scripture. In John 8, Jesus says, “Abraham rejoiced to see My day,” as though they were friends. Abraham knew of His coming and was glad. But how could Abraham have known Jesus? Let’s go back to Genesis. Abraham meets a mysterious figure: Melchizedek, the “king of Salem” and “priest of God Most High.” Melchizedek blesses…
Who Was Melchizedek in the Bible? – Tom Clark and Erik Jones
In Genesis 14, we meet Melchizedek, the “king of Salem” and “priest of God Most High.” He blesses Abram after his victory and receives a tithe from him, offering bread and wine—a gesture echoed in the New Covenant Passover. Though Genesis mentions Melchizedek briefly, his significance unfolds in Psalms and Hebrews. Psalm 110:4 prophesies a Messiah who will be “a priest forever according to the…
Is Thanksgiving Rooted in a Biblical Festival? – Mario Seiglie
Did you know the first Thanksgiving in the U.S. shares striking similarities with the biblical Feast of Tabernacles? While the Pilgrims didn’t intentionally observe this biblical festival, both celebrations share a spirit of gratitude to God for His blessings. Both take place in autumn and center on thanking God for a fruitful harvest. The Pilgrims, deeply rooted in biblical teachings, were profoundly influenced by the…
What Is Faith?
God wants us to know Him and develop a relationship with Him, offering assurance of His plans for us now and in the future. His Word reveals that godliness benefits all aspects of life, both present and eternal (1 Timothy 4:8). Yet, there’s a critical distinction between merely believing in God and truly believing God. Believing in God acknowledges His existence. Many people do this,…
The Seven Churches: What Now? – Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Internal biblical evidence indicates that the seven churches of Revelation 2-3 represent attitudes and conditions within God’s church throughout history, culminating in the end time. Revelation’s focus on the Day of the Lord (Revelation 1:1, 10) underscores this conclusion. The prevalent attitude of the Laodicean church (Revelation 3:14-22), marked by spiritual indifference, mirrors conditions today as Christ’s return approaches. As the church undergoes scattering, what…
God’s Name in Vain
Imagine a world where the universally accepted standard is to never take God’s name in vain. What would that look like? How would it transform our world? At its core, this commandment isn’t just about avoiding blasphemy or disrespectful speech. It’s about humility—living in a way that reflects God’s character, truth, and love in every word and action. If society embraced this command, we’d see…
Before he was Satan, meaning “adversary,” Lucifer was a high-ranking angel, known as the “shining one.” As an anointed cherub, he served near God’s throne, perfect in wisdom and beauty (Ezekiel 28). But pride corrupted him. He sought to exalt himself above God, leading a rebellion and convincing a third of the angels to join him (Isaiah 14). Cast down from heaven (Revelation 12), he…