Pentecost Pictures the ‘Firstfruits’ in God’s Plan – Richard H Sedliacik
God’s unfolding master plan is visible through the seven annual festivals that represent His salvation plan for humanity. These festivals remind us of our journey to become spirit-born members of His divine family.
The Passover marks the start of this plan, reminding us of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for our sins. Following forgiveness, we cleanse our lives of sin, symbolized by the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Yet, to overcome sin, we need the strength of God’s Holy Spirit, symbolized by the Day of Pentecost.
Pentecost, a holy day, ties into the spring harvest. It began with the “wavesheaf” offering, representing the initial harvest of God’s spiritual children. The spring harvest is symbolic, showing that God is currently calling only a few into His Church, the “firstfruits.” Later, during the autumn harvest, billions will be called into His family.
On the Days of Unleavened Bread, a sheaf of barley, the “wavesheaf,” marked the beginning of the spring harvest. Likewise, Jesus, the first to be resurrected into God’s family, is the first of the “firstfruits.”
Christ couldn’t accomplish this with human strength alone; He had God’s Spirit dwelling in Him. He promised the same Spirit to His disciples, later sending it on Pentecost. This day commemorates the founding of the New Testament Church, representing the firstfruits of God’s spiritual harvest.
In summary, the spring festivals highlight our journey toward God’s family, with Pentecost symbolizing the receipt of God’s Holy Spirit and the birth of the New Testament Church.
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