What happens to bad people when they die? Or to those who aren’t Christians? Do they suffer forever in a fiery hell? Many assume so, but does eternal torment fit a loving God? Would He punish someone forever for a brief lifetime of mistakes? That concept portrays God as cruel, contradicting His nature of love (1 John 4:8). Surprisingly, the Bible doesn’t teach an ever-burning…
Story Category: Heaven & Hell
Doesn’t "Lazarus and the Rich Man" prove that sinners will be tormented forever & ever? thebiblesaysthat.com
Many believe the parable of Lazarus and the rich man illustrates heaven and hell. However, it actually emphasizes the promise given to Abraham’s descendants. Abraham, though not having received the promise yet, will inherit it at the resurrection of the just. Lazarus represents Christians who share in this promise through faith. The rich man, depicted as emerging from Hades, faces the future destruction of the…
Are You Going to Heaven? Who Really Knows? thebiblesaysthat.com
So what of heaven? is that where we go when we die? Most of what is taught is mere speculation – The opinions of those without any actual knowledge. There is one that can speak from experience so what does He say? No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven…
Hell: Origins of an Idea – Richard Burky, Jeannette B. Anderson vision.org
The authors of this article set out to answer a simple question – “how can anyone worship a god who sets up fallible humans to be forever tormented in hell?” The idea of perpetual torment for the dead that in some way fell short in life is held by most of this world’s religions. This includes two of the three Abrahamic religions (Christian and Muslim)…
Lazarus & Rich Man – Scriptural Proof of Hell? hwalibrary.com
First, the Bible is clear that there is no consciousness after death and no immortal soul. There are, however, resurrections in sequence for both the righteous and the unrighteous. Both Lazarus and the rich man died. One was to be resurrected to life, the other to permanent destruction. Christ is using an allegory with terms familiar to His audience. It is in the context of…