One of the clearest examples of Jesus’ teaching on law and grace is the account of the adulteress brought before Him (John 8:1-11). When pressed to judge her, Jesus responded, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first” (verse 7). The accusers left, and Jesus, the only sinless one, pardoned her, saying, “Go and sin no more” (verse…
Story Category: Days of Unleavened Bread
What if just one of the Ten Commandments became a universal standard? Let’s explore the second commandment—rejecting idolatry. Idolatry isn’t just about statues and images; it’s about what controls us. We all submit to something—whether it’s money, power, comfort, or technology. As Paul says in Romans 6:16: “You are slaves of the one you obey—whether sin, which leads to death, or obedience, which leads to…
God’s Name in Vain
Imagine a world where the universally accepted standard is to never take God’s name in vain. What would that look like? How would it transform our world? At its core, this commandment isn’t just about avoiding blasphemy or disrespectful speech. It’s about humility—living in a way that reflects God’s character, truth, and love in every word and action. If society embraced this command, we’d see…
Thou Shalt Not Steal
In a world where traditional moral foundations are increasingly questioned, the relevance of ancient wisdom might surprise you. Take the Eighth Commandment: “Thou shalt not steal.” This simple directive isn’t just about preventing theft—it’s about unlocking profound real-world benefits. Theft costs society more than just money. The annual losses are staggering, but the indirect costs—security, insurance, and lost trust—are even greater. Imagine a world where…
Purpose Of Law: The Image of God – Staff Writers
Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18 KJV). Vision here means a prophetic understanding of future reality. Without purpose and direction, progress is impossible. Knowing our purpose is crucial. God gives humanity a purpose, a destination, and a path to get there, encapsulated in the Bible, including its laws. “Torah” is better translated as teaching or instruction. We must understand God’s purpose…
Bread: A Biblical Symbol – Roger Meyer
Symbols, like bread, hold profound meanings in society and scripture alike. From nourishment to unity, bread symbolizes sustenance and fellowship. In the Bible, it represents Jesus Christ as the “Bread of Life” and signifies spiritual truths, such as sincerity and truthfulness. During biblical feasts like Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, unleavened bread symbolizes purity and freedom from sin. Even the miraculous provision of…
What Does the Feast of Unleavened Bread Mean for Christians? – Vince Szymkowiak
An increasing number of Christians worldwide are rediscovering the biblical festivals outlined in Leviticus 23, seeing them in the context of Jesus Christ’s life and mission. Jesus, the sacrificial Passover lamb, inaugurated the plan of salvation, while also starting His Church on the Feast of Pentecost (Acts 2). Amidst these festivals is the seven-day Feast of Unleavened Bread, occurring immediately after Passover. While significant events…
You Shall Love Your Neighbor (Part One) – John O. Reid
In Matthew 22, Jesus faces the Pharisees’ cunning questions, following his confounding of the Sadducees. The Pharisees aim to ensnare him, selecting a lawyer to probe his understanding of the law. Jesus, however, cuts through their legalistic approach, declaring the greatest commandment: to love the Lord with all one’s being. This emphasis on wholehearted devotion to God simplifies their complex disputes, emphasizing the essence of…
It’s a Dark World – Brian Orchard
In a world shaped by personal perspectives and influenced by darkness, King David’s insights from Psalm 36 resonate with the current state of affairs. Describing the unconverted mind, he captures the pervasive wickedness that lacks a fear of God. Our era, marked by a moral decline and a post-Christian narrative, reflects this darkness. God’s warning in Deuteronomy 28 about the consequences of disobedience seems prophetic…
Solving Our Conflict with God – Gary Petty
The notion that God accepts us as we are and allows us to remain unchanged is false. Our inherent hostility towards God and our inability to submit to His ways ultimately prevent true inner peace without reconciliation. Our hostile nature is often translated in The Old Testament as “abomination,” which means behaviors and attitudes detestable to God. Behaviors described as such include idolatry, homosexuality, witchcraft,…
“We’re Coming for Your Children!” – Scott Ashley
In the summer of 2022, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus faced criticism for an online music video in which members sang about indoctrinating children. The controversial lines spoke of converting children subtly; “You think that we’ll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, just this once, you’re correct.”. After the fact, the group claimed it was satire, but the intent behind the…
The Problem With Abortion Is Bigger Than Abortion – Jeremy Lallier
For most Christians, the contentious subject of abortion has been approached with myopic fervor. The ending of abortion is seen as an end all good on its own. As highlighted by this article and the study it quotes, abortion is just a piece of the puzzle and is the result of a much deeper problem. A published study, that produced ire on both sides of…
A Realistic Approach to Growth – Jeremy Lallier
Within the book of Hebrews, Christians are called to “go on to perfection” (Hebrews 6:1). For many this one command encompasses in their mind the futility in trying to keep the law. Why? because achieving the goal seems hopelessly unachievable and therefore not worth the effort. What are we to make of this command? How do we, imperfect beings, go on to perfection? This article…
A Lesson From the Coal Mines – Donald Winchester, Isla Veal
One glaring issue within humanity has been that of selfishness. On a corporate or industry level, self-interest tends to materialize as profit over safety. This article highlights one industry that personified this tendency – mining. The coal mine industry was an extremely hazardous and deadly occupation from the onset. In 1907 for example, more than 3,000 miners lost their lives on the job. Those that…
Abortion: A Crisis of Global Proportions – Joshua Lyons
Following the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe vs Wade, abortion proves to be one of the most contentious and polarizing of topics. The passion and emotion on both sides has been pushed to the brink. Laying out the mere statistics this video demonstrates the reality of abortion on a global scale. Abortion: the death and termination of a fetus or embryo. Scientifically speaking a human…
Five Words To Change The World… – Tomorrow’s World
Our world is overcome with corruption, murder, theft, disease, hunger, abuse, greed, pollution, poverty, broken marriages and families – simply put, we live in a world of pain and suffering. Five simple words would completely transform life as we know it – “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matt 22:37-40) This simple command encompasses and addresses what so many desire – true peace. It’s not a…
Symbolism of Second Holy Day of Unleavened Bread Festival
This is a 30 minute podcast group discussion about why there are two Holy Days in the Days of Unleavened Bread. The day maps to the Israelite’s crossing of the Red Sea. A greater symbolic meaning is addressed in Hebrews 12:2, where Paul said that we look “to Christ as the author and finisher of our faith”. He is the beginning or originator. He starts…
Fulfillment of the Law – Tim Vail
One modern accepted belief by mainstream Christianity is that the entirety of the Old Testament points to Jesus and therefore was nullified at His death. This approach misses the purpose of the law, seeing it as just legal requirements. What is lost is that, like Christ, the law pointed to the very mind and character of God the Father. The law is not opposed to…
Christ Our Passover
This article explains why Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread are relevant to modern-day Christians, and gives helpful guidance on how to observe them. God (the Word who would become Christ) instituted the Old Testament Passover when Israel was enslaved in Egypt. The blood of lambs was the symbol by which the Israelites were protected when the angel of death “passed over”. Thus, the…
“Not Everyone Who Says to Me ‘Lord, Lord’ …” – Erik Jones
It may surprise many to learn that most of the teachings of Christ are not taught, in most cases, and are ignored by modern Christianity. Summarized by this article Christ taught that in order to be a genuine follower of Him (a Christian), one must believe and practice exactly what He taught. In addition, a church, a religious leader, or an individual can profess the name…