Many today claim to believe God, but that belief has little influence on their behavior – living by preferences, not convictions. Standing for something because of what others do or don’t do, given to peer pressure, these beliefs are preferences, not convictions. As laid out in this article, belief without action is not conviction, it’s just a type of intellectual righteousness. What is biblical conviction?…
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Judging Well – Jonathan McNair
Few would argue the social pressures on children at this time are relentless. Fortunately, brought out within this article, a child can learn to face these pressures. The parental role to teach and instruct their children is the intended ideal to fill this role. One lesson that is desperately needed by today’s youth is the ability to apply moral judgement, to recognize right from wrong…
What Does It Mean to Turn the Other Cheek? – Jeremy Lallier
The concept broached here, like so many, gain depth with a little clarification and understanding. To “turn the other cheek” is less about making yourself a doormat just like an “eye for an eye” was not about vengeance but more about legal protections. The best way to understand Christ, who sometimes spoke in hyperbole for emphasis, is to look at His and other examples. In…
The Secret Is Showing Up – Jeremy Lallier
For readers of this article the title sums it up quite nicely. The overarching theme is something we each face in one way or another. Life happens and the struggles there of, we become overwhelmed, and our spiritual obligations are neglected. We often justify the lapse because we can’t give it our best effort. What we fail to see is so often those times we…
How To Study Your Bible – Richard F. Ames
Arguably the Bible is the most important book ever written. Within its pages is the meaning and purpose of life, principles for true success, fulfillment, happiness, and health. It explains why our world is in such confusion and danger and reveals the very plan of God. Daniel Webster, congressman and Secretary of State under Presidents Harrison, Tyler and Fillmore made the dire national warning “if…
A Day of Lust, Not Love – Martin G. Collins
Valentine’s Day has become widely accepted by the religious and non-religious as a day to celebrate their significant other. For most its history is unknown or dismissed as unimportant in its currently celebrated state. To those that profess to follow God, its origins shouldn’t be so easily dismissed. Historically it’s often traced to the Roman festival Lupercalia. This festival honored the god Lupercus. Lupercus, like…
6000 Year Old earth?
One common misinterpretation of the Bible is that the earth is only about 6,000 years old. To get the complete story, it helps to begin at the beginning, at least the Bible verses that describes a time before creation itself. 1“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God… 2 He (the Being that became Jesus [John 1:14]) was in the beginning with…
Fulfillment of the Law – Tim Vail
One modern accepted belief by mainstream Christianity is that the entirety of the Old Testament points to Jesus and therefore was nullified at His death. This approach misses the purpose of the law, seeing it as just legal requirements. What is lost is that, like Christ, the law pointed to the very mind and character of God the Father. The law is not opposed to…
What Truth Are You Afraid Of? – Carmine Russo
This author seeks to challenge the reader with facing hard truths. Truth is truth whether we believe it, like it or ignore it and the same could be said of its source. Hard truth, that which challenges you or maybe makes you feel uncomfortable should not be feared. In fact, that is the very truth we should seek out because to avoid it is to…
What is Heaven?
Traditions and fantasy have shaped many opinions about heaven. From the context of the Bible there are three heavens. The first heaven is simply earth’s atmosphere. “let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.” (Gen 1:20). Like the first heaven the second heaven is also observable by mankind. It is what we call outer space. “I will surely multiply your offspring…
New Gods, New Sins – Wallace G. Smith
As many today wish to rid the world of the God of the Bible, they in turn, set up their own gods. With these new gods come new orthodoxies, dogmas, and sins. Truth becomes whatever supports these new gods and compliance is forcibly compelled. Four such gods are highlighted in this article. First, the god of science. With the absence of a true God, humanity…
Would Jesus want us to remember or celebrate His birthday?
Throughout the Bible God is very clear about what he wants us to do and what he doesn’t. Pagan traditions aside, the Bible is very silent on the exact date of Christ’s birth. At the same time enough information is available in the gospels to know that He wasn’t born in December but more than likely around the month of September. What is clear, within…
Depression – Brian Orchard
The numbers continue to indicate depression is an ever-worsening problem. It is happening to more adults, and it is happening earlier in life; and it is of major concern to health-care professionals. Depression is a mood disorder and should not be confused with the ups and downs that are a part of normal life. Emotions clearly play a part in the problem. When emotions become…
The Greatest Story Never Told – Jim Franks
Christian norms dictate a passive if not negative view of God’s festivals. Days kept by Jesus and the New Testament Christians that followed His example. One consequence to these modern views is the loss of this powerful and true story that these days layout. Complete with setting, plot, hero or main characters, conflict, point of view, overall theme, and conclusion this story contains the answers…
4 Lessons Jesus Taught About the Sabbath
Four, hidden in plain sight, lessons that Jesus taught about the Seventh day Sabbath. Jesus, Himself, kept the seventh day Sabbath and taught on it. This leads to the first lesson – We are to keep the Sabbath day holy. (Matt 19:16-19) “if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments” of which commandment four is “remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy”…
“Not Everyone Who Says to Me ‘Lord, Lord’ …” – Erik Jones
It may surprise many to learn that most of the teachings of Christ are not taught, in most cases, and are ignored by modern Christianity. Summarized by this article Christ taught that in order to be a genuine follower of Him (a Christian), one must believe and practice exactly what He taught. In addition, a church, a religious leader, or an individual can profess the name…
What Is the Mark of the Beast?
The Mark of the beast as described in the book of Revelation has been a subject of wild speculation. This whiteboard video clearly lays out what it is and what it isn’t. Within the context of scripture, the mark is not something physical. It is not a vaccine, tattoo, barcode, chip, or anything else that can be forced upon someone against their will. This mark on the hand and…
The Time That Matters – Jeremy Lallier
Does it matter to God how we spend our time – the decisions we make, the lives we lead, the paths we choose to follow? Analyzing scripture and the time dedicated to specific events would indicate that it does. Found in the Bible, there are very specific moments in time that focus and attention is given while other expanses of time are given little to…
Hell: Origins of an Idea – Richard Burky, Jeannette B. Anderson
The authors of this article set out to answer a simple question – “how can anyone worship a god who sets up fallible humans to be forever tormented in hell?” The idea of perpetual torment for the dead that in some way fell short in life is held by most of this world’s religions. This includes two of the three Abrahamic religions (Christian and Muslim)…
Halloween: Treat, or Trick? – Richard A. Wilson
There is a Gaelic tradition that says, at Samhain, the doors to the underworld open— allowing dead souls and harmful spirits to enter our world. Modern Halloween costumes originated as an attempt to mask one’s identity as protection from those harmful spirits. This tradition melded with the practice of “souling”. This was a practice where children and the poor would go house to house offering…