For much of the world January 1st is the accepted and celebrated start of a new year. At the stroke of midnight, a new day and new year is brought in with cheers, singing, drinking and fireworks. What could be the harm? Through its pagan roots, its traditions closely tie it to that of Christmas. The problem with these celebrations is that they act as counterfeits…
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Christmas: Does It Matter? – Brian Orchard
Most never question the traditions they keep. For many, their personal enjoyment of a holiday is all the convincing needed in whether they partake in a day or not. Is that enough? For example, are the neatly wrapped and packaged traditions of Christmas, that are enjoyed and loved by so many, enough to embrace a day that’s pagan customs are at odds with the person…
Are You Going to Heaven? Who Really Knows?
So what of heaven? is that where we go when we die? Most of what is taught is mere speculation – The opinions of those without any actual knowledge. There is one that can speak from experience so what does He say? No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven…
The Biblical Festivals That Teach Us About Jesus Christ – Mario Seiglie
Within the books of the law we are introduced to seven specific Holy Convocations that God calls My feasts. (Leviticus 23:2) Though most Christians today view them as only relevant to ancient Israel, they each specifically point directly to Jesus Christ. The original symbolism of the days has been expanded by how these days were kept by Christ and the New Testament Church. Passover, Days…
The Origins of Halloween
Have you ever questioned why Halloween? Why is it so popular, why the traditions, where did it come from? As for the origins and traditions it would be hard to miss the pagan influence. Its Celtic origins go back 2000+ years. These ancient peoples held a summers ‘ end pagan festival (Samhain) to highlight the new year. This was a time of year to take…
Does Paul Condemn Observing God’s Holy Days? – Earl L. Henn
For most that grew up within ‘Christian’ traditions, one taught belief is that Paul condemned the observing of God’s Holy days. The verse most often used to support this is Galatians 4:9-10 in which Paul say’s ‘(9) But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which…
Post-modernism: Marxism in Disguise – Tomorrow’s World
Postmodernism is a movement that came out of the 20th century. It is one of the Neo-Marxist philosophies that came about as a result of the utter failure of Marxism or Socialism over the course of that century. It’s often characterized by relativism or skepticism – having a healthy suspicion of reason and known truth. Marxism views all history as the struggle between classes. This,…
A Realistic Approach to Growth – Jeremy Lallier
Within the book of Hebrews, Christians are called to “go on to perfection” (Hebrews 6:1). For many this one command encompasses in their mind the futility in trying to keep the law. Why? because achieving the goal seems hopelessly unachievable and therefore not worth the effort. What are we to make of this command? How do we, imperfect beings, go on to perfection? This article…
A Lesson From the Coal Mines – Donald Winchester, Isla Veal
One glaring issue within humanity has been that of selfishness. On a corporate or industry level, self-interest tends to materialize as profit over safety. This article highlights one industry that personified this tendency – mining. The coal mine industry was an extremely hazardous and deadly occupation from the onset. In 1907 for example, more than 3,000 miners lost their lives on the job. Those that…
Is It Wrong for a Man to Have Long Hair? – Erik Jones
Most today are guided merely by fashion and desire in how they wear their hair – this includes men. To consider a hair style for reasons outside of yourself will seem foreign and archaic to most. For Christian men (subject of this article), being called to a life of service is the point. A calling that is to represent God, His authority, His designed and…
Abortion: A Crisis of Global Proportions – Joshua Lyons
Following the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe vs Wade, abortion proves to be one of the most contentious and polarizing of topics. The passion and emotion on both sides has been pushed to the brink. Laying out the mere statistics this video demonstrates the reality of abortion on a global scale. Abortion: the death and termination of a fetus or embryo. Scientifically speaking a human…
Rending the Heart – Jeremy Lallier
As the divide in this country grows ever greater, Americans look to those that govern to push this or that legislative action to solve the evil that has become so prominent in our daily lives. With the slew of heart rending shootings that have plagued this country for example, we hear comments from our officials like “We need laws to restrict access to guns” or…
Five Words To Change The World… – Tomorrow’s World
Our world is overcome with corruption, murder, theft, disease, hunger, abuse, greed, pollution, poverty, broken marriages and families – simply put, we live in a world of pain and suffering. Five simple words would completely transform life as we know it – “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matt 22:37-40) This simple command encompasses and addresses what so many desire – true peace. It’s not a…
Is Your Time Running Out? – Daniel Tompsett
Many Christians view salvation as an epic battle for the souls of this world. A fight that they have joined, between God and Satan, to get as many people to confess the name of Jesus before death and the fires of hell overtake them. Are Christians mandated to convert the whole world now? So much effort is done to that end: missionary activity, evangelical outreach,…
Pentecost: God Gives the Holy Spirit – Mike Bennett
We are reminded in this article that Pentecost is the third of seven successive Holy Days. This third Holy day is also the third step in the plan of God. Its name is very telling in how this day is to be kept and what it represents. Known in the Old Testament as the Feast of Weeks and the New Testament as Pentecost(Literally meaning 50…
The Problem of Pride – Gary Petty
For so many there are times when life can feel exceedingly and unfairly cruel. This Blog highlights one such story of a Continental officer who faced a litany of perceived inequity. Justifying himself through the many personal sacrifices he made, this man turned on the once loved cause that he felt had now betrayed him. When viewing betrayal through pride, regard for others takes a…
Bring Every Thought Into Captivity – Jeremy Lallier
This article addresses an interesting principle that cuts contrary to modern belief – bringing every thought into captivity. An idea that we are not subject to whatever enters our mind, instead we can rule over and control what we think about. Like the trick in trying to remove air from a cup the only way to remove unwanted thoughts is to fill the mind with…
“Cults” and Real Christianity! – Dexter B. Wakefield
To be labeled “cultish” today carries a similar stigma as being labeled a “heretic” in the third and fourth century…minus the horrific torture and death. These terrifying labels purposefully sway many from questioning mainstream orthodoxy. Rightly so especially for those living under the fear of torture and death. In today’s world, to be thought of as “part of a cult” or “cultish” carries an extreme…
The Queen of May – Adam J. West
It’s quite interesting and telling to consider how many modern “Christian” holidays and traditions have their origins rooted deep in paganism. May 1, shares in this heritage. Many Roman Catholics in particular celebrate Mary, Jesus’ mother, as Queen of Heaven or Queen of May on this day. A title also held by the pagan goddess of fertility known as Diana by the Ephesians or from…
Public Schools and Teaching Character – Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Many within the US feel the public schools are failing today’s children. Increased taxes on average is affording around $10,000 per student, per year without the corresponding results. Actually, the opposite is occurring. Declining academic scores have been the trend resulting in a mass exodus from public schools by students and teachers alike. Many are also noticing a sharp cultural and moral decline in the…