Husbands – A New Creation
To understand our potential is perhaps the greatest knowledge we can be given. The God Family is recreating itself in us, and everything They do is for a reason. God ordained the institution of marriage. He also created specifically a man and a woman to become one flesh. The marriage union teaches us about the God family union. God desires that we learn and embody the kind of closeness that the two of Them enjoy. God designed marriage because we are destined to be in that same kind of close relationship with the God family. Within this framework, this article examines the purpose of marriage, and also explores what the Bible says about the role of men. The definition of a husband is not just a man. The concept of husbandry is discussed which is the management of resources, a steward, a tiller of the soil, a cultivator. That is relevant to all of us, men and women alike, because we are all to cultivate and steward that which is entrusted to us. Marriages create families and families create communities. When we understand God’s design in marriage, including the roles He created, we can then begin to fulfil what God intends to accomplish through us.
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