The Greatest Story Never Told – Jim Franks
Christian norms dictate a passive if not negative view of God’s festivals. Days kept by Jesus and the New Testament Christians that followed His example. One consequence to these modern views is the loss of this powerful and true story that these days layout. Complete with setting, plot, hero or main characters, conflict, point of view, overall theme, and conclusion this story contains the answers to the big questions in life.
In chronological order God’s festivals begin with the Passover and our story begins with the death of Jesus. After living a sinless life, Jesus was crucified outside the city of Jerusalem on Passover day. This was reminiscent of the original Passover sacrifice. Through the New Testament symbols, we understand that Jesus Christ gave His life so that we might live.
Next in the order of days are the Days of Unleavened Bread. The symbolism of these days is the plot of the story. Sin separates us from God and must be removed as we are instructed to remove physical leaven.
The next festival is Pentecost. This day supplies the hope within the story. Those called by God have access to the Holy Spirit after repentance, baptism, and the laying on of hands.
Next is the story climax with the Feast of Trumpets. This portrays the great conflict that will come upon the world. Mankind will suffer plagues, woes and observe heavenly signs leading to seven great trumpet blasts and the return of Jesus Christ.
The Day of Atonement lays out what will happen after Christ’s return. Satan, the deceiver of mankind and the originator of sin, will be locked away for 1000 years. The removal of his influence will allow for the reconciliation of mankind with their Creator.
The sixth festival is the Feast of Tabernacles. This seven-day festival encompasses the gospel of Jesus Christ. These days picture the establishment of God’s Kingdom on this world for 1000 years. A time without Satan’s influence, this will be a wonderful time of worldwide peace.
The last festival day, rightly named, the Last Great Day, represents the conclusion of this story. The 100-year time period that this day represents is the time when all those throughout history that never had a chance to know God and His way will be resurrected and given time to come to know Him, and given the choice to be a part of His family….or not. This 100-year period ends with the second death, with the lake of fire. After this final judgment, we see the arrival of a new heaven and a new earth and the beginning of the next story.
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