New Gods, New Sins – Wallace G. Smith
As many today wish to rid the world of the God of the Bible, they in turn, set up their own gods. With these new gods come new orthodoxies, dogmas, and sins. Truth becomes whatever supports these new gods and compliance is forcibly compelled. Four such gods are highlighted in this article.
First, the god of science. With the absence of a true God, humanity looks to science with increasingly religious fervor. Science has a set of preapproved canonical truths. Opposition to these “truths”, even by other scientists, is considered heresy.
A second god is environmentalism. The author does not take a position on the veracity of climate change or whether it is man-made. He rather observes that environmentalism has become a religion. Supporters of the movement uphold the symbols of their cause at all costs. For example, recycling glass is bad for the environment, given the pollution and expense involved. Yet environmentalists still encourage it as a way to recruit and train adherents.
A third god is sexuality. This god requires that sexuality is not bound by any rules, constraints, or natural laws. Children, without the capacity to understand the choice, are encouraged to undergo permanent changes as human sacrifices to this god. The idea that sexuality is whatever we want it to be is just an idea, not a reality. But that idea has become dogma in the “civilized” world, and accepting it is a litmus test for acceptance participation in that civilization.
The fourth god is social transformation. The followers of this god believe in the overthrow of all social norms. Those who don’t support this god and think differently from the acolytes of social revolution are “canceled” and publicly disavowed no matter their social status.
Certainly the values of scientific examination, stewardship, tolerance, and restoring wrongs are all Biblical and good. However, these secular gods above are blended with wrong thinking because they don’t begin with the real God. Consequently, humanity’s new gods are much like vengeful gods of paganism that worked to distract people from the truth. Ezekiel said it this way, “these men have set up their idols in their hearts, and put before them that which causes them to stumble into iniquity’” (Ezekiel 14:2–3).
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