Called & Chosen – John Foster
Christ welcomed all those who thirst or are heavy laden to come to Him. However, He knew that not just anyone could do so. The natural human mind, unaided, does not comprehend God’s mind. It isn’t convicted by the Word. Christ said in John 6:44 “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him.” One’s calling is then an act of God! Only He calls (invites) someone. Furthermore, that invitation requires that we step forward to answer it with positive action. An authentic response requires more than an emotional alter-call response and confession. It requires faith in Christ, but also faith in His teachings, and personal works of faith – i.e. actions consistent with belief. Thereafter, in order to ultimately be “chosen”, the called must remain faithful and obedient. Salvation is not something we initiate in a moment of enthusiasm, but a life-long process started at a time and place of God the Father’s choosing.