The word gospel means “good news,” but conflicting ideas exist about what that is. Most consider it simply to be that Jesus died for the sins of humanity, which is indeed good news. But the good news that Jesus himself brought was about the Kingdom of God; that is, God’s rulership. God promises to claim rule over all the kingdoms and nations of this world….
Story Tag: Gospel Message
Where Is God? – Jim Servidio

Why does God stay hidden from mankind? This is a question that many have asked. The answer can be surprising and enlightening. In short, we hide ourselves from God through our sins. Our sinful nature separates us from God. He spoke face to face with Adam and Eve until they sinned. That sin caused the breach in their relationship followed by Adam and Eve hiding…
The Gospel in the Old Testament – Matt King

The gospel message is found throughout the Old Testament. Christ’s role as Redeemer and Savior is at its heart, along with the major themes of restoration and reconciliation. The gospel connects the Old and New Testaments. We know that at some point in the past, the whole creation existed in a state of peace and harmony. This peace was disrupted by the rebellion of the…
God of Anger or God of Love? – Brian Orchard

Much is often said about the harsh God of the Old Testament and the gentle Christ in the New Testament. Are there indeed examples of a God endorsing sexism and racism threaded throughout the Bible?