The essence of the Gospel, or “Good News,” preached by Jesus contrasts sharply with various distorted versions found within mainstream Christianity. The “prosperity gospel” and “political gospel” are misleading, promoting health and wealth or human-centered activism. To discern the true Gospel, one must turn to the New Testament, where the Greek word “euaggelion” translates to “good news.” The genuine Gospel centers on Jesus proclaiming the…
Story Category: Gospel Message
Why Christ Used Parables

In this article, the author discusses the notion of Jesus speaking in parables and why most people were prevented from understanding their meaning. Contrary to the common belief that parables were used to make the message clearer, scriptures indicate that Jesus used parables to obscure the meaning from the majority of mankind. (Matthew 13:10-13 and Mark 4:11-12) Jesus revealed that His disciples – those the…
“He Gets Us” . . . But Do We Get Him? – Kendrick Diaz

This article discusses the recently launched “He Gets Us” ad campaign. The stated goal of this campaign is to reintroduce people to the Jesus of the Bible. Unfortunately, the approach that is often taken by these campaigns is to highlight specific traits of Jesus while ignoring the sum total of why He actually came. A watered down version of the Man. This contextually lacking and…
What is the Kingdom of God? – Staff

Christ will return to establish the Kingdom of God and unprecedented peace and prosperity on planet Earth (Isaiah 11:6-9). Christ will rule that Kingdom, assisted by a corps of “Kings and Priests” (Revelation 5:10, 20:6) comprised of faithful Christians, past and present, who will have been resurrect and/or translated as spirit beings in the God Family. For a thousand years human beings will live in…
Where Is God? – Jim Servidio

Why does God stay hidden from mankind? This is a question that many have asked. The answer can be surprising and enlightening. In short, we hide ourselves from God through our sins. Our sinful nature separates us from God. He spoke face to face with Adam and Eve until they sinned. That sin caused the breach in their relationship followed by Adam and Eve hiding…
“The Kingdom of God: An Earth Transformed”

This earth will soon be transformed! Do you know the means by which that will happen? The transformation will be directed by Jesus Christ upon His return to this earth. There are many biblical prophecies that paint the picture for us. Cities will be rebuilt to God’s standards and be a blessing to the inhabitants. An agricultural lifestyle will once again gain prominence as families…
The Gospel in the Old Testament – Matt King

The gospel message is found throughout the Old Testament. Christ’s role as Redeemer and Savior is at its heart, along with the major themes of restoration and reconciliation. The gospel connects the Old and New Testaments. We know that at some point in the past, the whole creation existed in a state of peace and harmony. This peace was disrupted by the rebellion of the…
Called & Chosen – John Foster

Christ welcomed all those who thirst or are heavy laden to come to Him. However, He knew that not just anyone could do so. The natural human mind, unaided, does not comprehend God’s mind. It isn’t convicted by the Word. Christ said in John 6:44 “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him.” One’s calling is then an act…
“You Will Not Surely Die!” – Jim Franks

At some point we all face and wonder what happens after death. Most accept without question that what they are taught comes from scripture. That is “we are an immortal soul that at death lives on eternally in heaven or in hell.” What most don’t realize is this belief predates the first coming of Jesus, having its origins in paganism. It can arguably be traced…