In Democracy We Trust? – Wallace G. Smith
2024, labeled by some as the “Year of Democracy,” will see more voters globally than ever before. As nearly 64 countries hold elections, democracy’s future is being fiercely debated. Yet, despite its growth, we face significant concerns about its stability. As political leaders like Kamala Harris and Donald Trump warn of democracy’s decline, a crucial question remains: Is democracy worth saving?
Historically, democracies have struggled. Ancient Athens lasted under 200 years, and even modern systems are fraught with challenges. The founding fathers of the United States designed a constitutional republic to avoid the pitfalls of direct democracy, with checks and balances to safeguard against tyranny. Yet, as James Madison and Alexander Hamilton warned, even well-constructed democracies are vulnerable to the flaws of human nature.
The Bible suggests that human governance, including democracy, cannot be relied upon to achieve true justice. It points to a higher authority—God—who ultimately governs the kingdoms of men (Daniel 4:17, Matthew 12:25). Democratic systems, which rest on the will of the people, reflect a flawed understanding of governance, as evidenced by biblical examples where human sovereignty was questioned.
The Bible promises a future government ruled by Jesus Christ, a government free from human corruption and focused on peace, justice, and righteousness (Hebrews 8:10, 1 Timothy 6:15). This Kingdom will transform human nature and lead to true prosperity, fulfilling the hopes that democratic systems only fail to deliver.
#YearOfDemocracy #DemocracyOrDivineRule #HumanNature #KingdomOfGod
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