Vaccine Policy – Richard T. Ritenbaugh
To take the jab or not is a very divisive issue in our modern culture and Covid 19 has really turned the heat up on personal opinions and attitudes. One of the main reasons for such a sharp polarity is the sheer volume of information that has been offered up so “authoritatively” in clear support of either taking the jab or not. Who is a person supposed to believe or be able to believe when it comes to science and reason? Both science and reason are elements that can play into the decision, but for the believer, the overriding factor will be faith – that which makes a believer a believer.
God’s word is full of principles that come into play as we consider vaccinations for various illnesses. The church’s role is to teach those principles faithfully as they are found in the bible. The believer’s responsibility, then, is to make a faithfully informed decision. Will we all make the exact same decision at the exact same time in that case? Probably not. An additional biblical principle that speaks to the vaccine issue is that we are to be spiritually mature enough not to judge a brother or sister in Christ who has not come to the same conclusion at the same time as we have. In whichever case, God is able to help the weaker to stand.
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