The Enemy of Holiness – Jeremy Lallier
How do you make something holy? Trick question—you can’t.
You can keep something holy, like the Sabbath. God said, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8). We maintain the holiness of the 24 hours God set aside on the seventh day of creation (Genesis 2:3).
But we don’t make it holy—it already is. We just keep it that way.
How do you make something unholy? Easy.
Holy contact doesn’t make common things holy, but unclean contact makes holy things unclean (Haggai 2:11-13).
Profanity turns holy things common. The Sabbath, God’s name, our marriages, and identity as His people are sacred. We can’t make them holy, but we must keep them holy, free from the world’s unclean influence.
On this Sabbath, are you keeping it holy, or letting the week’s profanity creep in? As Isaiah 58:13 (NET) says:
“You must observe the Sabbath
rather than doing anything you please on my holy day…”
It’s our privilege to keep holy things holy.
#KeepItHoly #Sabbath #Holiness #Holy #FaithfulLiving
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