A Silent Tragedy in How We Are Raising Our Children – Dr. Luis Rojas Marcos Psychiatrist leadingtolife.org
The Silent Tragedy Unfolding in Our Homes
Our children are facing an emotional crisis. Alarming statistics reveal:
1 in 5 children have mental health issues.
ADHD diagnoses have risen 43%.
Adolescent depression is up 37%.
Suicide rates in children aged 10-14 have increased by 200%.
What’s going wrong? Today’s children are overstimulated and overindulged with material goods, but lack essential elements of a healthy childhood: emotionally available parents, clear boundaries, responsibilities, balanced nutrition, outdoor activity, and creative play.
Instead, they face digitally distracted caregivers, permissiveness, sleep deprivation, sedentary lifestyles, and constant stimulation.
Set limits; be the captain of the ship.
Offer balanced nutrition, outdoor time, and family meals without distractions.
Encourage responsibilities, creative play, and moments of boredom to spark creativity.
Teach patience, resilience, and independence.
Be emotionally available and model good values.
By returning to basics, we can nurture happy, healthy children. Let’s start today!
#ParentingTips #MentalHealthMatters #ChildhoodBasics #RaisingHealthyKids #truthsum
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