Peter, James, and John saw a vision of Jesus transformed in glory, speaking with Moses and Elijah. A voice declared, “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!” This fulfilled Jesus’ promise that some disciples would see Him “coming in His kingdom” before they died (Matthew 16:28). The transfiguration previewed Christ’s return in glory. The disciples, though recognizing Jesus as the Messiah, still misunderstood His mission….
Story Tag: KingdomofGod
In Democracy We Trust? – Wallace G. Smith
2024, labeled by some as the “Year of Democracy,” will see more voters globally than ever before. As nearly 64 countries hold elections, democracy’s future is being fiercely debated. Yet, despite its growth, we face significant concerns about its stability. As political leaders like Kamala Harris and Donald Trump warn of democracy’s decline, a crucial question remains: Is democracy worth saving? Historically, democracies have struggled….
The Sermon That Launched the Church – Joel Meeker
It was the morning of Pentecost, and Jerusalem buzzed with curiosity. Seven weeks had passed since Jesus’ crucifixion, dashing hopes that He was the Messiah. Stories of His resurrection circulated, but the disciples, who had seen Him alive, had no doubts. He had instructed them to wait in Jerusalem for power from on high (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-8). On Pentecost, as the disciples gathered, a…