The Silent Tragedy Unfolding in Our Homes Our children are facing an emotional crisis. Alarming statistics reveal: 1 in 5 children have mental health issues. ADHD diagnoses have risen 43%. Adolescent depression is up 37%. Suicide rates in children aged 10-14 have increased by 200%. What’s going wrong? Today’s children are overstimulated and overindulged with material goods, but lack essential elements of a healthy childhood:…
Story Category: Family
Godly Church Governance – Brian Orchard
Church governance has often been shaped by human interpretations, with many systems reflecting autocratic, top-down authority. Historically, the Church adopted this style of leadership, which led to a “lordship” model of governance. This approach, while logical from a human perspective, contrasts with God’s governance, which is modeled on His family structure: authority flows from the Father to the Son, and then to human leaders. A…
Benefits of Thanksgiving – Gary Montgomery
Thanksgiving in America, originally intended as a day of gratitude to God, has transformed into a prelude to the commercial frenzy of Christmas sales. The rush for discounts of up to 70 percent overshadows the true spirit of giving thanks. Many have observed a shift in attitudes from childhood memories to the chaos of today’s fast-paced and morally challenged society – expressions of gratitude have…
Public Schools and Teaching Character – Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Many within the US feel the public schools are failing today’s children. Increased taxes on average is affording around $10,000 per student, per year without the corresponding results. Actually, the opposite is occurring. Declining academic scores have been the trend resulting in a mass exodus from public schools by students and teachers alike. Many are also noticing a sharp cultural and moral decline in the…
Judging Well – Jonathan McNair
Few would argue the social pressures on children at this time are relentless. Fortunately, brought out within this article, a child can learn to face these pressures. The parental role to teach and instruct their children is the intended ideal to fill this role. One lesson that is desperately needed by today’s youth is the ability to apply moral judgement, to recognize right from wrong…
Depression – Brian Orchard
The numbers continue to indicate depression is an ever-worsening problem. It is happening to more adults, and it is happening earlier in life; and it is of major concern to health-care professionals. Depression is a mood disorder and should not be confused with the ups and downs that are a part of normal life. Emotions clearly play a part in the problem. When emotions become…
Examining Our Assumptions – Tim Vail
We all have the proclivity to make assumptions. We make them in our relationships with each other and in our relationship with God. An assumption assumes a certain reality that can be very different to the truth of a matter. Assumptions often lead to incorrect conclusions which in turn can lead to building walls and barriers. Satan the Devil is a master at inducing us…
Are Fathers Necessary? – Jerry de Gier
While many today attack, degrade and blame men for all the world’s troubles, what seems to be lost is how important the role of a good father is. Many of this world’s problems can be traced to men, men that have neglected their responsibility as loving husbands and fathers. Several studies sited in this article link absent fathers with higher levels of behavioral issues. Issues…
The Role of a Women – Tom & Mary Clark
The role of women has varied through history and cultures from an object of worship to mere chattel. God’s Word should resolve confusion. God made Eve a helper comparable to Adam. While God made man the leader and gave women different strengths from men, He did not intend women to be weak or inferior. Her role was to strengthen the family. She was asked to…
Abigail: A Model of Discretion – Karen Meeker
Abigail is one of the truly fascinating women in the Bible. From her example we can learn much about the quality of discretion that women are encouraged to build as part of their inner beauty. Beyond being the soul of discretion and our go-to example of a woman of understanding, Abigail had it all. She was the rare combination of beauty and brains. She was…
3 Characteristics That Define a Real Man – Eddie Foster
As societal norms denigrate men and masculinity, this piece gives three examples of what it is to be a real man. Looking to what should be our ultimate example, Christ’s life can and should be a model for all men. The apostle Peter said Christ left us an example, “that you should follow it.” (1 Pet 2:21). First characteristic – Christ did not crack under…
12 Scriptural Principles of Child Rearing
Raising children is hard. It always has been. In a modern world that is accelerating and awash in uncertainty, there seems to be no reliable standards. Old wisdom can provide helpful anchors. The Bible is replete with timeless advice on how to parent. This link provides a brief list of principles drawn from scripture to provide a base of stability in child-rearing. Begin early. Parent…
The Cold Culture of Silence (Part Two) – Charles Whitaker
The Cold Culture of Silence by Charles Whitaker is a call to action – to speak up about the consequences of divorce and out of wedlock births that create problems that can last a lifetime for a couple, the single mother, children and society. Keeping silent is not an expression of love, nor does it help the young mother or her children. The article has…
Husbands – A New Creation
To understand our potential is perhaps the greatest knowledge we can be given. The God Family is recreating itself in us, and everything They do is for a reason. God ordained the institution of marriage. He also created specifically a man and a woman to become one flesh. The marriage union teaches us about the God family union. God desires that we learn and embody…
Wives – A Help Meet
To address the role of a woman can be a tricky subject, dare we say even a prickly one, but you might be surprised to learn about the specific role of women as defined and designed by God. Christ was equal to God and He took a subordinate role. Women were created equal to men in capacity and potential, but they were put into the…
Modern social values no longer tie sex to marriage. The idea that extra-marital sex is wrong is strange to many. Although there are many scriptures on the subject this question and answer piece singles out Hebrews 13:4. Hebrews 13:4 states that sex was designed to strengthen the committed bond of marriage, yet it has the opposite affect outside of it. The results of sex outside…