God’s law on the avoidance of unclean meats is a common theme throughout the bible, and in Leviticus 11:1-47 and Deuteronomy 14:3-20 he clearly establishes the criteria for clean and unclean meats. However, Acts 10:9-16 tends to cause much confusion on this topic. In these verses, Peter receives a vision from God discussing symbolic clean and unclean animals. One might view this vision as the…
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Clean and Unclean Meat – Charles Haughee lifehopeandtruth.com
This link offers a series of articles on the Biblical food laws. The meats God defines as clean and unclean are differentiated in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. Most nominal Christians consider the food laws regressive legalism and mistakenly conflate Orthodox Jewish Kosher rules with what the Bible actually says. The scriptures they cite to dismiss the Old Testament instruction are taken out of context….
We Shall Be God – John Ritenbaugh cgg.org
The first half of this Bible Study (offered in both audio and transcript format) concerns what happens after death; namely, that there is no immortal soul – we die once and are resurrected once. The second half concerns what happens after that; namely, eternal existence as a full-fledged God-being. This notion is considered blasphemous by some because it ultimately puts us on the same footing…
Paganism: Who Cares? – Brian Orchard thefatherscall.org
The pagan origins of popular holidays is common knowledge, but who cares? Perhaps the important question is, instead, does God care? God gave the nation He formed, Israel, very specific instructions to avoid paganism. Yet they repeatedly adopted pagan practices including worship of multiple gods, nature, and goddesses. Paganism interrupts the singularity of focus on the true God. It breaks the core of the covenant…
Lazarus & Rich Man – Scriptural Proof of Hell? hwalibrary.com
First, the Bible is clear that there is no consciousness after death and no immortal soul. There are, however, resurrections in sequence for both the righteous and the unrighteous. Both Lazarus and the rich man died. One was to be resurrected to life, the other to permanent destruction. Christ is using an allegory with terms familiar to His audience. It is in the context of…
Why is the Gospel ‘Good News’? truegospel.org
People like the gospel “about” Christ, which is principally concerned with the forgiveness available through Christ’s sacrifice. While true, this version is incomplete and impotent. The gospel Christ preached was about God’s Kingdom – including obedience to His standard of conduct. This is disturbing to many because it contradicts their traditions and ideas, and requires not just belief but also change. Christ announced that He…
THIS Happens After Death? tomorrowsworld.org
What really happens after death? When a person dies, they are no longer alive – in any sense. The dead know nothing. The Bible does not say that we have an immortal soul that goes to heaven or hell at death. Indeed, Christ Himself said that no one has ascended to heaven. So how do we have hope? Because the Bible promises that everyone who…
What is the "rapture"? thebiblesaysthat.com
Many Christian sects promote the idea of a “secret rapture.” However, the idea that Christ will quietly snatch away believers before He returns cannot be found in the scriptures. The Bible says that Jesus Christ’s return will be announced with shouts, trumpet blasts and flashes of light. The whole world will know of His arrival. Only after this unmistakable event will Christians be taken up….
Is the Holy Spirit a Person? ucg.org
The teaching of the Trinity (i.e. that the Holy Spirit is a divine person) is not in the Bible. That idea arrived after the Bible was complete and stems from pagan origins. Rather than describing the Holy Spirit as a distinct person or entity, the Bible refers to it as God’s divine power. Jewish and Catholic scholars agree that the Bible speaks of the Holy…
The Purpose of the Sabbath sabbath.org
The Bible asks its adherents to keep the 7th day of the week (Saturday) “holy” as a time of rest and reflection on the word of God. God created the Sabbath for the benefit of human-kind from the beginning. Only He has the authority to designate what time is holy, and the Bible is clear and consistent on this instruction. Why? Because the Sabbath day…
What Are the Meanings of God’s Festivals? – David Treybig lifehopeandtruth.com
The world is becoming an increasingly dark place. Many struggle to find purpose and joy given a seemingly dismal future, however there is much encouragement to be gained from learning of God’s plan. His holy days perfectly map out the plan of salvation that God has been executing since the beginning of time. He has a plan for this world and He has a plan…