Public Schools and Teaching Character – Richard T. Ritenbaugh
Many within the US feel the public schools are failing today’s children. Increased taxes on average is affording around $10,000 per student, per year without the corresponding results. Actually, the opposite is occurring. Declining academic scores have been the trend resulting in a mass exodus from public schools by students and teachers alike. Many are also noticing a sharp cultural and moral decline in the same students. Yet many continue to look to public school, working with futile fervency to introduce moral instruction into the classroom. How can institutions teach values that they don’t possess? At best, schools can only be looked to, to enforce what is taught at home. For children, character is best taught at home. Before they ever step foot in school they should be practiced in respect for authority, courtesy, honesty, respect for property, respect for life, responsibility, etc. Supported by the church, parents’ responsibility is to instill these values. School will never be able to fill the moral void left by parents and by extension, the religious leaders neglecting the teaching of Bible-based character.
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