What Does Pentecost Mean? – David Treybig lifehopeandtruth.com
Pentecost is one of God’s annual Holy Days which commemorates the beginning of the New Testament Church of God. The most famous Pentecost occurred in A.D. 31 when God gave His Holy Spirit, in the form of tongues of fire, to Christ’s faithful followers. That day, an additional 3,000 people were added to the church. Pentecost is observed by Catholics, Protestants, and Jews, yet each group observes it on a different day. In Greek, Pentecost means “the fiftieth day” and the Bible gives instructions for calculating its observance. In Leviticus 23:15-16 we are told to begin counting 50 on the day after the weekly Sabbath found within another of God’s Holy Days, the Days of Unleavened Bread. Following this direction means that Pentecost will always fall on a Sunday, however, its exact date needs to be calculated each year. Old Testament Observance of Pentecost was tied to the concept of “firstfruits” or the first part of a harvest. This is still relevant today in that those who are called by God and respond now are the “firstfruits” of His plan of salvation for mankind which includes a greater harvest of people to follow. Even more important, Pentecost is a reminder that God’s Holy Spirit is available now to all who repent of their sins, are baptized, and continue to follow and obey Him.
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