Keeping Christmas Breaks All Ten Commandments! – Randy D’Alessandro
This message compares a historic world event that was hijacked and relabeled to a set of guidelines in the ‘manual’ that show that Christmas is not Christian and contravenes all 10 Commandments. Perhaps the most obvious infractions that this presenter outlines are in Commandment #2 “do not worship idols”; worship defined as honoring with religious rites and #9 “do not lie”. Some people know it’s a lie that Christ was born on December 25 but may be surprised to learn the history and origins of these customs which predate Christ’s birth.
The point that Christmas is not a harmless observance to honor Jesus Christ but rather dishonors God by breaking each of the Commandments should give us pause. Want to validate some of those claims about lies? Google “Christmas origins” before jumping into this article. It’s so hard to find truth, whether it be about holidays, politics or pandemics. Bookmark this page for links to more truths.