It’s a Dark World – Brian Orchard
In a world shaped by personal perspectives and influenced by darkness, King David’s insights from Psalm 36 resonate with the current state of affairs. Describing the unconverted mind, he captures the pervasive wickedness that lacks a fear of God. Our era, marked by a moral decline and a post-Christian narrative, reflects this darkness.
God’s warning in Deuteronomy 28 about the consequences of disobedience seems prophetic in today’s context, as society gropes in moral confusion and blindness. The contrast between light and darkness is evident among God’s people, emphasizing the importance of aligning with the one true “north” represented by God’s light.
Psalm 36 encourages a shift towards God’s ways, highlighting His steadfast love and righteousness. Seeking His will daily, practicing discernment in darkness, and embracing God’s light are emphasized. The call is to feast on the abundance of God’s goodness, taking refuge in His steadfast love. Through this, we can find our true direction, guided by the divine light that reveals “true north” in life’s journey. Asking God for His light, as the fountain of life, ensures clarity and understanding in navigating the complexities of our world.
#SeekingGodsLight #TrueDirection #Psalm36Insights #DivineGuidance
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