“Cults” and Real Christianity! – Dexter B. Wakefield thebiblesaysthat.com
To be labeled “cultish” today carries a similar stigma as being labeled a “heretic” in the third and fourth century…minus the horrific torture and death. These terrifying labels purposefully sway many from questioning mainstream orthodoxy. Rightly so especially for those living under the fear of torture and death. In today’s world, to be thought of as “part of a cult” or “cultish” carries an extreme and negative connotation. Where is that line between “mainstream” beliefs and those of a cult and who makes that determination?
It is well established that “Christianity” is far removed from that of the first century Church. Historians agree, by the second and third century a major doctrinal shift occurred and with it what it meant to be “mainstream”. In fact, since Christ’s death and resurrection, the range of doctrines taught in the name of “Christianity” has been diverse. Even during the first century AD, the apostles had to wrestle with false teachers and doctrines.
What were some of the widely held beliefs of the first century Church that differ from modern church goers today? One would be that of the gospel message. A Christian in the first century would have understood the gospel message as the declaration of the coming, world ruling Kingdom of Christ. This was Christ’s gospel message, that of a hope filled millennial rule on this earth. Also, the first century Church would have been found keeping the law, including the seventh day Sabbath. They also kept God’s Holy days with new revealed understanding and meaning.
Christ prophesied that his little flock, those that follow him would be persecuted and hated by this world. Today, much as was the case in the fourth century AD, people who hold to Jesus Christ’s original, first-century faith are frequently marginalized as heretical, non-Christian cult members.
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