We are reminded in this article that Pentecost is the third of seven successive Holy Days. This third Holy day is also the third step in the plan of God. Its name is very telling in how this day is to be kept and what it represents. Known in the Old Testament as the Feast of Weeks and the New Testament as Pentecost(Literally meaning 50…
Story Tag: Holy Spirit
The Feast of Pentecost and Its Meaning For All Mankind – Arthur Suckling ucg.org
Among Jews, the most popular name for Pentecost is the Feast of Weeks, or Shavuot in Hebrew. When celebrating this festival, many Jewish people recall one of the greatest events in history, God’s revealing of the law at Mount Sinai. That said, Pentecost doesn’t just picture the giving of the law; it also shows (through a great miracle that occurred on the first Pentecost, within…
What Does Pentecost Mean? – David Treybig lifehopeandtruth.com
Pentecost is one of God’s annual Holy Days which commemorates the beginning of the New Testament Church of God. The most famous Pentecost occurred in A.D. 31 when God gave His Holy Spirit, in the form of tongues of fire, to Christ’s faithful followers. That day, an additional 3,000 people were added to the church. Pentecost is observed by Catholics, Protestants, and Jews, yet each…
Hope in Times of Depression – Marissa Baker churchofgodnetwork.org
In times of great stress and anxiety the Bible is an excellent source for hope. This hope is not a superficial, “I hope everything turns out the way I want.” The words of the Bible give us hope in something greater than ourselves. Knowing God is working out a greater purpose in us is strength in itself. We then take this knowledge to face stress…
The Holy Spirit – Martin G. Collins cgg.org
This deep dive, Bible Study approach covers in detail the nature of the Holy Spirit. Eight points make clear that the Holy Spirit is the power of God and not a personage. The Spirit is given to those that are called by God and respond to that calling. Baptism and repentance are essential in receiving the Holy Spirit. It works with our minds that we…
Is the Holy Spirit a Person? ucg.org
The teaching of the Trinity (i.e. that the Holy Spirit is a divine person) is not in the Bible. That idea arrived after the Bible was complete and stems from pagan origins. Rather than describing the Holy Spirit as a distinct person or entity, the Bible refers to it as God’s divine power. Jewish and Catholic scholars agree that the Bible speaks of the Holy…
What Is God Really Like? – John Ogwyn tomorrowsworld.org
So many religions, so many conflicting views about God. And what about the Trinity? If there are so many differing versions of God, how can you know which one is true? There is a definitive authoritative work that reveals the truth, the very book inspired by God himself wherein He reveals himself, reveals the Son and the truth about the Holy Spirit. The Bible is…