Peter, James, and John saw a vision of Jesus transformed in glory, speaking with Moses and Elijah. A voice declared, “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!” This fulfilled Jesus’ promise that some disciples would see Him “coming in His kingdom” before they died (Matthew 16:28). The transfiguration previewed Christ’s return in glory. The disciples, though recognizing Jesus as the Messiah, still misunderstood His mission….
Story Tag: BiblicalProphecy
Debunking The Rapture Myth – Wallace G. Smith
Many believe ‘the rapture’ refers to Christians being “raptured” into Heaven before Jesus Christ returns to rule and before the Great Tribulation. This belief suggests Christians will vanish, leaving the world to face the Tribulation. Three or seven years later, Jesus will supposedly begin His reign on Earth. This idea often stems from the Apostle Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 4:16–17, where he describes believers…