God’s people reject Valentine’s Day due to its pagan origins and lack of biblical support. Who Was Saint Valentine? Two Saint Valentines lived in the third century AD: a Roman priest and the Bishop of Terni. Both were martyred on February 14 and buried along the Via Flaminia. No historical evidence links them to romance; later legends claim Valentine secretly married couples, but these arose…
Story Category: Valentine's Day
A Day of Lust, Not Love – Martin G. Collins cgg.org
Valentine’s Day has become widely accepted by the religious and non-religious as a day to celebrate their significant other. For most its history is unknown or dismissed as unimportant in its currently celebrated state. To those that profess to follow God, its origins shouldn’t be so easily dismissed. Historically it’s often traced to the Roman festival Lupercalia. This festival honored the god Lupercus. Lupercus, like…
Valentine’s Day – Steven Orchard thefatherscall.org
Valentine’s Day is a ubiquitous global tradition accepted as a celebration of love and endorsed by Christianity and commerce alike. However, the origins of the custom are sordid. St. Valentine apparently existed only in legend. The day was likely named for a popular Gnostic heretic who blended pagan ideas into Catholic doctrine and promoted eroticism as a way to connect with the spirit realm. In…
Cupid’s Disheartening Past – Alice Abler vision.org
Cupid, that winged Valentine’s Day mascot with a sordid past. “From a lusty shepherd-king who died annually, causing weeping of women throughout the known world, to the incestuous sun god who is the bringer of life, his tale spans eons and outlive entire civilizations with variations in names and lore. This intertwined history of Cupid and his mother, the traditional mother/son/spouse deities of sexual love…