The belief in the inerrancy of the Bible asserts that the Scriptures, as originally written, are perfect and free from mistakes. Three foundational scriptures emphasize this belief: 2 Peter 1:20-21: Prophecy is not subject to private interpretation but comes from holy men moved by the Holy Spirit. 2 Timothy 3:16: All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. John 10:35: Scripture cannot be broken. Despite…
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You Can Understand Prophecy! – Richard F. Ames
Understanding Bible prophecy is pivotal for navigating the complexities of the end times. In Revelation, symbols like the Four Horsemen and the Beast offer profound insights. Trusting scripture to interpret scripture is vital, as seen in the explanation of stars and lampstands in Revelation. Prophetic time gaps, illustrated by Jesus omitting part of Isaiah’s prophecy, emphasize the need for discernment. Identifying modern nations in scripture…
In the Beginning, God Created – Jeremy Lallier
In numerous ancient creation myths, the cosmos emerges as an afterthought from existing materials—ripped bodies, slain giants, or cosmic eggs. The Bible’s Genesis account diverges profoundly. God, supreme and unchallenged, speaks creation into existence intentionally. No cosmic struggle, divine conflicts, or lesser gods. In Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” asserting God’s unrivaled creative power. The text emphasizes God’s…
Paul and the Road to Damascus – Mike Bennett
Saul of Tarsus, later known as the Apostle Paul, initially emerged as a fervent adversary of the early Christian community, even participating in the stoning of Stephen (Acts 7:57-60). His hostility extended beyond, causing chaos and imprisonment for followers of the Way in Jerusalem (Acts 8:3). However, the trajectory of Paul’s life underwent a seismic shift during a journey to Damascus. A celestial light enveloped…
The Prophetic Return of Christ – Bill Hutchison
The Bible outlines crucial events preceding Christ’s return, emphasizing the importance of comprehending their timeline and significance. Christ, responding to disciples’ inquiries, foretells these events in Matthew 24, mirrored in the Book of Revelation. Seven Seals in Revelation align with Matthew 24’s portrayal of false messiahs, wars, famines, and pestilences. Matthew 24:14 signals the nearing end: the global preaching of the Gospel. The abomination of…
Seventy Weeks Are Determined – Richard T. Ritenbaugh
In the past, the church extensively covered prophetic topics, particularly in World Tomorrow broadcasts, focusing on Daniel 2’s Nebuchadnezzar’s image, the beasts representing world empires in Daniel 7, and symbols and timelines in Revelation. However, the Seventy Weeks Prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 was seldom explained. Though not as emphasized as other prophecies, it’s crucial for dating Christ’s birth, ministry, and death. This season, as the…
70 Weeks of Daniel: What Does the Prophecy Mean? – Don Henson
The 70 weeks prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27 outlines the timing of the Messiah’s first and second comings, as well as the establishment of the New Covenant. Divided into 70 weeks, symbolizing 490 years, the prophecy begins with the decree to rebuild Jerusalem in 457 B.C. and culminates in the ministry of Jesus Christ. The first 69 weeks (483 years) bring us to A.D. 27, marking…
God’s Purpose for Mankind – Herbert W Armstrong
Most people don’t understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ and living in accordance with it. There are many misconceptions and deviations from the true teachings and the Gospel of Jesus. Jesus stated in John 5:43, He came in His Father’s name, that He was sent by God. There are challenges and troubles in the world and Jesus was sent to reveal God’s plan for His…
Who Was the God of the Old Testament? – Roderick C. Meredith
The Bible explicitly reveals that Jesus Christ, who existed with God from eternity, personally engaged with humanity throughout history. He spoke directly to figures like Abraham and Moses, even delivering the foundational moral code—the Ten Commandments. However, despite the clarity of these scriptures, many scholars, and religious leaders often avoid or downplay these fundamental truths. The hesitation to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the pre-existent Word…
Thanksgiving Day: More Than Just Being Thankful – Don Hooser
Thank you—two simple yet profound words that hold immense value in any language. The satisfaction of doing a good deed often lies in hearing those two words as a reward. Unfortunately, gratitude seems underused. Gratitude is the foundation of virtue, inspiring positive attitudes. It’s challenging to maintain a bad attitude when feeling grateful. Ingratitude, on the other hand, is a prevalent sin, easier to criticize…
Benefits of Thanksgiving – Gary Montgomery
Thanksgiving in America, originally intended as a day of gratitude to God, has transformed into a prelude to the commercial frenzy of Christmas sales. The rush for discounts of up to 70 percent overshadows the true spirit of giving thanks. Many have observed a shift in attitudes from childhood memories to the chaos of today’s fast-paced and morally challenged society – expressions of gratitude have…
The Violent Take It – Jeremy Lallier
To embrace Christ’s teachings and attain the Kingdom, we must shift our thinking. He declared, “the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12). This may seem at odds with being peacemakers and turning the other cheek. However, it’s about our determination in pursuit. This isn’t about unchecked anger but a relentless pursuit of an invaluable treasure. We must…
The Path to Sunday – Mark Hulme
In Christian tradition, the shift from Sabbath observance on Saturday to worship on Sunday has deep historical roots, shaped by events and decisions of early Christian councils. The 4th-century Synod of Laodicea, especially Canon 29, declared that Christians should work on the Sabbath and honor Sunday as the Lord’s Day. Those holding onto the seventh-day Sabbath risked exclusion from the Christian community. The Council of…
The Day of Atonement: Removing the Enemy, Reconciling All to God – Mike Bennett
The Day of Atonement, known as Yom Kippur in Hebrew, is the fifth annual holy day listed in Leviticus 23:26-32. It falls on the tenth day of the seventh month in the Hebrew calendar, which varies in our commonly used calendars. The Old Testament rituals for this day are detailed in Leviticus 16, where the high priest makes atonement for the people. In the New…
Holy Days: Trumpets
Church members approach various biblical festivals with different moods. Passover and Unleavened Bread invoke somber reflection, emphasizing the sacrifice of God and His Son compared to our imperfection. Pentecost brings a sense of excitement as we consider the arrival of the Holy Spirit to guide us. The Feast of Trumpets, however, is characterized by exuberance as we anticipate Christ’s return and our glorious resurrection. Nevertheless,…
Dante Alighieri and The Divine Comedy – Daniel Tompsett, Donald Winchester
Dante’s Divine Comedy has significantly shaped the Christian belief in the immortal soul. This epic poem, authored by Dante Alighieri in the 14th century, remains a pinnacle of Western literature, blending theology, history, and allegory. The poem’s setting is Easter in 1300, though it was written over the next two decades. Dante’s exile and his disputes with the Church, particularly Pope Boniface VIII, lent the…
Pentecost Pictures the ‘Firstfruits’ in God’s Plan – Richard H Sedliacik
God’s unfolding master plan is visible through the seven annual festivals that represent His salvation plan for humanity. These festivals remind us of our journey to become spirit-born members of His divine family. The Passover marks the start of this plan, reminding us of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for our sins. Following forgiveness, we cleanse our lives of sin, symbolized by the Feast of Unleavened Bread….
What Do I Have to Do to Be Heard? – Jeremy Lallier
In this world of complex one-sided conversations, reaching those with real power can seem impossible. With billions of people facing unique issues, direct communication with world leaders isn’t feasible. However, collective voices can’t be ignored. Even though marches and protests can’t guarantee change, they demand attention. But more than being heard, we want to be understood and valued. Yet, the ones in power often can’t…
Seven Signs of the End-Time Antichrist – Wallace G. Smith
In the linked article, Wallace Smith sheds light on the Antichrist and the Beast Power, significant figures in the biblical prophecy concerning the end times. These powerful entities play a crucial role in the events leading up to the culmination of human history. The Antichrist, a charismatic and deceptive leader, will emerge in the last days, captivating the world with his charm and promising solutions…