The Role of a Women – Tom & Mary Clark
The role of women has varied through history and cultures from an object of worship to mere chattel. God’s Word should resolve confusion. God made Eve a helper comparable to Adam. While God made man the leader and gave women different strengths from men, He did not intend women to be weak or inferior. Her role was to strengthen the family. She was asked to yield to her husband’s role willingly (if she had one), just as man is instructed to yield to Christ. The Bible offers good and bad examples of what it is to be a woman, but Proverbs 31 is most obvious. That woman is remarkable. She is trustworthy, honorable, loving, godly, wise, and resourceful. She is strong, confident and talented. There’s nothing she’s incapable of, but there are things that are not befitting her. But she has a special role to fill as guardian of the all-important family unit. Lacking a physical family, she can build God’s spiritual family – the Church. A woman’s role as given by the Bible is powerful, dynamic, and important. Don’t let the confusion of social expectations take that away.
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