Knowing God as a Loving Father – Jim Servidio
Many, even within Christianity, do not know who God the Father really is. He is a mystery to them, but that need not be as Jesus Christ Himself said one reason He was sent was to reveal the Father. Jesus Christ, the man also known in scripture as the Logos, Spokesman or Word, revealed that the Father has always had supreme authority, and that He and His Father are absolutely at one in purpose. The Father’s purpose or plan is to call individuals, regenerating them with His Spirit and instilling His changeless statutes into their minds, in order to transform them into members of His Family. We need to conform to the image of the Father, Jesus revealed to us. Some teach that God the Father is the harsh God of the Old Testament, but the Bible describes Him as a loving God. For the most part, our knowledge of the attributes of God is derived from the Scriptures. Let us look at a partial list of the revealed attributes of God. Personally, He is: Spirit, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, eternal, immutable and unchangeable. Some of His moral attributes are: perfect, just, true, wise, loving (probably the most important), merciful, giving favor, holy and righteous.
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