Dante’s Divine Comedy has significantly shaped the Christian belief in the immortal soul. This epic poem, authored by Dante Alighieri in the 14th century, remains a pinnacle of Western literature, blending theology, history, and allegory. The poem’s setting is Easter in 1300, though it was written over the next two decades. Dante’s exile and his disputes with the Church, particularly Pope Boniface VIII, lent the…
Story Tag: Pagan
The Origins of Halloween youtube.com
Have you ever questioned why Halloween? Why is it so popular, why the traditions, where did it come from? As for the origins and traditions it would be hard to miss the pagan influence. Its Celtic origins go back 2000+ years. These ancient peoples held a summers ‘ end pagan festival (Samhain) to highlight the new year. This was a time of year to take…
Does Paul Condemn Observing God’s Holy Days? – Earl L. Henn cgg.org
For most that grew up within ‘Christian’ traditions, one taught belief is that Paul condemned the observing of God’s Holy days. The verse most often used to support this is Galatians 4:9-10 in which Paul say’s ‘(9) But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which…
The Queen of May – Adam J. West tomorrowsworld.org
It’s quite interesting and telling to consider how many modern “Christian” holidays and traditions have their origins rooted deep in paganism. May 1, shares in this heritage. Many Roman Catholics in particular celebrate Mary, Jesus’ mother, as Queen of Heaven or Queen of May on this day. A title also held by the pagan goddess of fertility known as Diana by the Ephesians or from…
A Day of Lust, Not Love – Martin G. Collins cgg.org
Valentine’s Day has become widely accepted by the religious and non-religious as a day to celebrate their significant other. For most its history is unknown or dismissed as unimportant in its currently celebrated state. To those that profess to follow God, its origins shouldn’t be so easily dismissed. Historically it’s often traced to the Roman festival Lupercalia. This festival honored the god Lupercus. Lupercus, like…
Passover to Easter – Peter Nathan vision.org
Societal traditions are rarely viewed through a historic lens. To do so would reveal, all too often, a violent blending of traditions and rituals. Easter is one such tradition. At its core, Easter is an ancient pagan fertility celebration that took on Christian terminology. This controversial blend centered around the timing of this celebration- specifically what day to memorialize. Lasting nearly 3 centuries this became…
Cupid’s Disheartening Past – Alice Abler vision.org
Cupid, that winged Valentine’s Day mascot with a sordid past. “From a lusty shepherd-king who died annually, causing weeping of women throughout the known world, to the incestuous sun god who is the bringer of life, his tale spans eons and outlive entire civilizations with variations in names and lore. This intertwined history of Cupid and his mother, the traditional mother/son/spouse deities of sexual love…
Keeping Christmas Breaks All Ten Commandments! – Randy D’Alessandro ucg.org
This message compares a historic world event that was hijacked and relabeled to a set of guidelines in the ‘manual’ that show that Christmas is not Christian and contravenes all 10 Commandments. Perhaps the most obvious infractions that this presenter outlines are in Commandment #2 “do not worship idols”; worship defined as honoring with religious rites and #9 “do not lie”. Some people know it’s…
Christmas? thebiblesaysthat.com
I really liked the short, to the point approach this article took regarding the biblical stance on Christmas. It begins with the pagan origins of Christmas that are documented and well-established. Most mainstream Christians don’t even argue that fact. With the origins well established we move to the second point. Within Jeremiah it’s stated that we are not to worship God the way gentiles worship…