The Sabbath was set aside to be a day of rest from secular work, but it is more than a day of rest. It is also a holy convocation. What is a “holy convocation”? It means a divinely commanded assembly, a summoned assembly. Hebrews 10:25 is a vital chapter of the Bible partly devoted to church attendance. Many are familiar with Paul’s words to not…
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Proverbs 26: When Should You Answer a Fool? – Mike Hanisko
There is a Proverb that at first glance might seem contradictory (Proverbs 26:4-5). It reads, “Do not answer a fool according to his folly.” Yet, the very next verse reads, “Answer a fool according to his folly.” Actually, these two verses are not contradictory, but a closer study shows that they are complementary. When to apply either verse, the principle taught by what either verse teaches, depends on the…
Knowing God as a Loving Father – Jim Servidio
Many, even within Christianity, do not know who God the Father really is. He is a mystery to them, but that need not be as Jesus Christ Himself said one reason He was sent was to reveal the Father. Jesus Christ, the man also known in scripture as the Logos, Spokesman or Word, revealed that the Father has always had supreme authority, and that He…
The Feast of Pentecost and Its Meaning For All Mankind – Arthur Suckling
Among Jews, the most popular name for Pentecost is the Feast of Weeks, or Shavuot in Hebrew. When celebrating this festival, many Jewish people recall one of the greatest events in history, God’s revealing of the law at Mount Sinai. That said, Pentecost doesn’t just picture the giving of the law; it also shows (through a great miracle that occurred on the first Pentecost, within…
Was Jesus Created? – Larry Neff
Certain religions teach that Jesus Christ was a created being; that He has not existed eternally with the Father. Some others claim that the human Jesus Christ was only inhabited by the Spirit of God which departed when Christ was crucified. Still others teach that Jesus Christ was the archangel Michael who became Jesus Christ. What does the Bible say about Christ? Does the Bible…
Tithing: Second Tithe – Martin Collins
God is the God of joy and abundance. In addition to the weekly Sabbath, God declared we are to keep His seven annual holy days. The Feast of Tabernacles is observed for seven days followed by The Last Great Day on the eighth day. We celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles in temporary dwellings. The financial expenses for the feasts are covered by the second tithe,…
Are Humans Good or Evil? – Richard Ritenbaugh
Are people good or evil? This question has been debated for thousands of years and still is to this day. Was man created with an evil nature or a good nature? There are many theories supporting both sides. The answer to the question is found in the Bible. After God created Adam and Eve on the sixth day Genesis 1:31 says, “Then God saw everything…
Tithing: First Tithe – Martin G. Collins
Tithe means one tenth. God requires a tenth of our financial increase to be given back to Him. This is called the first tithe. Today this tithe is used primarily to preach the gospel to the whole world as commanded by Jesus Christ. The first tithe allows the Church to freely give to all. The tithing principle can be found throughout the Bible. Abraham tithed…
Day of Atonement & the Jubilee Year – Nathan Albright
God’s character is revealed by His law. So it is worth noting the practical effects of His Sabbath laws, particularly as it relates to the relationship between the Jubilee and the Day of Atonement. The seventh day weekly Sabbath pictures restoration and freedom. Among its many benefits, the Sabbath limits exploitation of the poor by employers. The seventh year land Sabbath, when all debts were…
Tithing – Martin Collins
In this Bible study, 7 reasons are outlined that show that tithing is important for personal spiritual growth. The biblical system of tithing has been a point of controversy among Christians for years. Its opponents claim it is part of the Old Covenant, and thus it was instituted solely for the support of the Levitical priesthood. They often acknowledge that the principle of giving to…